FLARC General Meeting Minutes Tuesday October . 19, 2021 via Zoom
Program: 1 Public Service Events
Presenter Tom Pugh W9TDP
Summary of presentation :
Tom W9TDP got his start in amateur radio through public service. He was a cyclist on bike trips that utilized ham radio operators for communications. He got to know the ham radio operators, then got his ham radio license, then started to participate in the public service events.
Public service events include bike rides, and running events. . Ham radio operators participate by operating as Net control in SAG vehicles transporting riders who are having bicycle or physical problems be transported . They operate at food rest stops, water stops, they can be a bike mobile, and they can operate, as net control. Radio Equipment is provided if the radio operator does not have their own. Repeaters are used and in some cases simplex also.
Ham radio communication are key in effective communications in bike course terrain that is very hilly where mobile phone communication would not be reliable. They provide communication using an organized traffic net with a net control, Communication is transmitted to all areas of the event simultaneously so everyone can hear..
Public service events that Dane County area amateur radio operators participate in each year include
- The Horribly Hilly Hundred
- The Dairy land Dare
- The Ride
- Trek 100
- Bike the Barns
- Chicago Marathon
More information on the public service events including dates and contacts if you are interested in participating can be found on the Dane County ARES website
Program 2: Members discussed ham radio related events they have participated in:
Parks on the Air
- Thomas AC9BJ and Carolyn NQ9A participated in Parks on the Air and Wisconsin Parks on the Air in September 2019 activating Blue Mounds State Park.
- Thomas AB1YW is currently looking at POTA locations-specifically trails south of t Madison. He mentioned there is a wiki collaboration in process that will provide resources and support to find new park sites for POTA
- Nick N9STF did a POTA activation at Glacier National Park
The website for Parks on the Air is https://pota.app The website includes how to sign up to do a park activation, how to hunt activations and a listing of real time park activations
Sam KG9NG and Paulette WB9VHF went to the Shelby hamfest in Shelby, North Carolina http://shelbyhamfest.com
Winlink Communication on a road trip:
Jeff KC9UNZ - took a driving trip to Colorado and used Winlink successfully to send and receive messages. He also briefly discussed Winlink use and AREDN for ARES/RACES.
Business Meeting:
Called to order by: Thomas AC9BJ
Meeting Minutes recorded by :Carolyn NQ9A
September 21, 2021 minutes read by: Carolyn NQ9A-no corrections
Treasurers’ report from Andy AC9CB :via e-mail FLARC Account Balance :$6359.17 include dues received.
- Betsy WN9GOC announced that Sarah Elizabeth Baguhn WA9SE is now Dr.Sarah-Elizabeth Baguhn.. Sarah Elizabth WA9SE received her PHD in interdisciplinary health sciences.
- Jeff KC9UNZ- announced the 2021 Wisconsin ARES/RACES Conference is online this year on Saturday Nov. 13th , 2021.
To register , you can go to the home website page https://wi-aresraces.org/ . The page also lists the itinerary for the conference.
New members
We welcome Rich KG0XO , Rich used to live in Madison He has now returned to Madison. His ham radio interests include radio homebrewing projects.
Upcoming Meetings/Programs :
- November 16, 2021 meeting Jeff KC9UNZ with present on what Dane County ARES and ARES in general is doing currently – Jeff is the Dane County ARES Emergency Coordinator as well as being a FLARC member. Andy AC9CB will do the budget presentation.
- December 21, 2021 meeting – no program scheduled yet. We will have nominations for the 2022 FLARC Board of directors.
- January 18, 2022 Meeting – Phil Carlson WB0CLI Antique Tube Radio Restoration interfaced with I-devices- blue tooth , I pad, iPhone,
- February 15, 2022 Meeting Marc N9WIB APRS and TNC
- March 15, 2022 Meeting Sam KG9NG Caving and Ham Radio