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FLARC General Meeting Minutes Tuesday, January 17, 2023 via Zoom


Open discussion on how you have been getting on the air.

New Member introduction - Steve Ujvarosy previously WA9GZO. Formerly from the West Allis area, studying to pass his license exam in February and interested in 2m operating to get back into things.

SPARC Station

SPARC Station at UW Space Place recent upgrades

Nicholas's HF radio died, he is going to work with Sam to borrow one indefinitely.

Business meeting

Called to order by Sam KG9NG at 20:01

December 20, 2022 minutes read by Sam KG9NG, several corrections made

Treasurer's report

Checking Balance $7009.79
PayPal Balance $514.67
Recent transactions include dues payments received

VE Report

Passed exams: 3 Technician and 4 General
Next session on February 4th at Space Place

Ron K2VB is stepping down as VE Liaison, if interested in filling this role please contact Sam at, Ron or Frederick


Thomas AB1YW was awarded Gold Parks on the Air Activator while traveling across 5 states in the cold

Field Day Committee Report

Winter Field Day is coming up and we encourage at-home participation, listing FLARC as your affiliation


Contact Mark Bellazzini N9WIB if you would like to information on how to join the Madison Area Hams Discord

New Business

Jeff presented procedures for voting using online form

Sam recommended for ballots to be returned by midnight Saturday

Nominations from December:


Vice President

Andy AC9CB


Board Member at Large
Paulette WB9VHF
Nicholas KB9SKW
Thomas AB1YW

Andy AC9CB moves to reopen nominations. Jeff KC9UNZ seconded

Thomas AB1YW nominated for Vice President by Nicholas KB9SKW, accepted contingent on President being nominated

Ted K9IMM nominated for President by Nicholas KB9SKW, Ted was not present to accept

Gary KA9SRM nominated for President by Sam KG9NG, declined
Gary KA9SRM nominated by Sam KG9NG, declined

It was generally determined that not enough membership was present to continue nominations.

Jeff KC9UNZ moved to proceed with election of Treasurer and Board Members at Large with other officer elections to occur after the February meeting where nominations can continue.  Seconded by Nicholas KB9SKW

Discussion on what “Saturday midnight” means. Jeff moves to close voting at 11:59 pm on Saturday. Seconded by Thomas AB1YW, passed.

Motion to close meeting by Nicholas KB9SKW, seconded by Jeff KC9UNZ.

Meeting adjourned at 20:38