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Called to order 19:31, WN1C, Vice President

Review of April Meeting Minutes

Nicholas KB9SKW moved to approve, Thomas AC9BJ seconded. No objections.

Treasurers Report

Treasurer not available, possibly due to imminent severe weather conditions.


No guests.

VE Report

No report from the Space Place session in May.

Bragging Rights/Upgrades/Call Sign Changes

KE9KOA has callsign change to N6WIS and is working on APRS with FTM-500DR, looking for input about configuration and use for free-text messaging.

WIQP 2024 results are out, our bragging for in-state operation:

  • W9S team (AC9BJ, NM9O, K8SD) took 2nd place Multi-Multi Fixed, Low Power (results correction: operated from Shawano county)
  • WN1C took 2nd place Single Op Fixed, QRP
  • As a club, Four Lakes ARC scored an aggregate 91882.5 points from 7 entries!
Upcoming Opportunities
  • Field Day June 22/23 Badger Prairie Park Verona
    • If you are interested in participating please get in touch on the FDOps list or contact Matt NM9O
    • KF9AQ will be helping with the catering
  • Northern Lights Radio Society Aurora'24 Conference Twin Cities, MN June 1, 2024 []
  • Horribly Hilly Hundreds Bike Event Support Blue Mounds, WI June 15, 2024 [W9TDP Tom]
    • Tom is looking for 4-5 volunteers to help, mostly at water stations. If you are interested, contact Tom via email W9TDP at
    • 1500 riders participate in this event, supporting the Friends of Blue Mounds State Park
    • Good radio coverage is available via VHF mostly using the SNP repeater deployed to the top of Blue Mounds State Park (where the event finish is)
  • Central States VHF Society Conference 2024 Cedar Rapids, IA July 25-27, 2024 []
  • Circus City Swapfest Baraboo, WI August 24, 2024
  • TREK-100 Bike Event Support Waterloo WI June 8, 2024 [W9JM John]
  • Dairyland Dare Bike Event Support August 3, 2024 [KC9IFF Luke]
  • Bike the Barns Bike Event Support September 15, 2024 [KC9UNZ Jeff]
  • Badger Challenge Bike Event Support September 22, 2024
  • Chicago Marathon Race Event Support Chicago IL October 13, 2024
Old Business

April J-Pole construction project: Nicholas KB9SKW reports a continued development effort to secure expected performance of antennas.

New Business

Board is looking for self-nominees for appointment to Secretary, VE Liaison, and Member at Large

  • Ann Reh KD9ZUE nominated for Member at Large

No additional announcements.

Program for May Meeting

Brian Basura, N6CVO, discussing Pico-Ballooning (background, components, launch, and performance)

Adjournment of Business Meeting

Severe weather in Madison resulted in a power outage at Space Place during the course of the program at 20:30. In-person attendance including the lead of the meeting was cut off from Zoom, though the presentation seemed to carry on in due course. A hasty sign-off was provided to conclude the presentation by WN1C over cellular with Zoom on KB9SKW's phone.

Called to order 19:32

Review of March Meeting Minutes

Thomas W9TDP moved to approve, Sam KG9NG seconded. No objections.

Treasurers Report

Treasury is healthy, checking balance is $7,901.37. Recent transactions include dues received..


Bob, W2THU inquiring about W9YT and their participation in the ARRL Collegiate Radio Program

VE Report

No report from the Space Place session in April.
The Hamfest VE session saw 7 candidates, 3 earning new Technician license and 3 Extra exams passed, 1 candidate missed their General upgrade by 1 question.

Bragging Rights/Upgrades/Call Sign Changes



MARA Hamfest was successful with about 300 attendees. Eyeball QSOs were enjoyable

Upcoming Opportunities
  • Field Day June 22/23 Badger Prairie Park Verona
    • If you are interested in participating please get in touch on the FDOps list or contact Matt NM9O
    • KF9AQ will be helping with the catering
  • Horribly Hilly Hundreds Bike Event Support Blue Mounds WI June 15, 2024 [W9TDP Tom]
    • Tom is looking for 4-5 volunteers to help, mostly at water stations. If you are interested, contact Tom via email W9TDP at
    • 1500 riders participate in this event, supporting the Friends of Blue Mounds State Park
    • Good radio coverage is available via VHF mostly using the SNP repeater deployed to the top of Blue Mounds State Park (where the event finish is)
  • Dayton Hamvention, ARRL National Convention, Xenia, Ohio May 17-19, 2024
  • Central States VHF Society Conference 2024 Cedar Rapids, IA July 25-27, 2024
  • Circus City Swapfest Baraboo, WI August 24, 2024
  • TREK-100 Bike Event Support Waterloo WI June 8, 2024 [W9JM John]
  • Dairyland Dare Bike Event Support August 3, 2024 [KC9IFF Luke]
  • Bike the Barns Bike Event Support September 15, 2024 [KC9UNZ Jeff]
  • Badger Challenge Bike Event Support September 22, 2024
  • Chicago Marathon Race Event Support Chicago IL October 13, 2024
Old Business


New Business

May presentation will be on Pico-balloons


Mike, KB9WWJ is looking for good homes for a station's worth of stuff, including a tower and Bushcraft 20-15-10 meter beam antenna. Look for an announcement on QST soon.

Adjournment of Business Meeting

Sam KI5POE moved to adjourn, Nicholas KB9SKW seconded, Paulette WB9VHF third'ed.. Meeting adjourned 19:52

Program for April Meeting

Antenna build party led by Nicholas KB9SKW

Called to order 19:32

Review of February Meeting Minutes

Thomas WN1C moved to approve, Sam KG9NG seconded. No objections.

Treasurers Report

Treasury is healthy, checking balance is $7,590.41. Recent transactions include dues received in PayPal but not transferred to checking.
Approval Nicholas KB9SKW moved to approve, Will WA9MCV seconded. No objections


Ann KD9ZUE has her tech license recently, looking to upgrade to General this weekend.
John new to the sport, here observing

VE Report

Not Available for March

Bragging Rights/Upgrades/Call Sign Changes

Thomas WN1C earned the 2023 Pennsylvania QSO Party Out of State Single Op QRP SSB Award - 4th of all out-of-state, 1st for Wisconsin Section


MARA Hamfest
April 13th 8am-Noon
FLARC Table [Nicholas KB9SKW]
FLARC VE Testing [Sam KG9NG]
Need Volunteers for VE & Setup/Reception/Table/Takedown

Upcoming Opportunities
  • Field Day June 22/23 Badger Prairie Park Verona
  • Dayton Hamvention, ARRL National Convention, Xenia, Ohio May 17-19, 2024
  • Central States VHF Society Conference 2024 Cedar Rapids, IA July 25-27, 2024
  • Circus City Swapfest Baraboo, WI August 24, 2024
  • TREK-100 Bike Event Support Waterloo WI June 8, 2024 [W9JM John]
  • Horribly Hilly Hundreds Bike Event Support Blue Mounds WI June 15, 2024 [W9TDP Tom]
  • Dairyland Dare Bike Event Support August 3, 2024 [KC9IFF Luke]
  • Bike the Barns Bike Event Support September 15, 2024 [KC9UNZ Jeff]
  • Badger Challenge Bike Event Support September 22, 2024
  • Chicago Marathon Race Event Support Chicago IL October 13, 2024
Old Business
Wisconsin QSO Party Recap March 11, 2024
  • Space Place Amateur Radio Club (SPARC) station activated as N9UW with 166 QSOs
  • Shawano County activon - 3 operators with 3 radios who made 581 contacts between them
  • Thomas WN1C was at Blue Mounds and made 199 QSOs QRP Portable
  • Kevin KF9AQ had 173 QSOs
New Business
Adjournment of Business Meeting

Thomas WN1C moved to adjourn, Will WA9MCV seconded with no objections. Meeting adjourned 19:45.

Program for March Meeting

RF Cables and Connectors, Richard Cetron, K2KNB

Four Lakes Amateur Radio Club Membership Meeting
February 20th 2024

Meeting called to order at 7:30pm CST by Steve Ujvarosy, W9GZO.

Motion to approve the minutes of the January 2024 meeting by Thomas Baden, AC9BJ. Seconded by Thomas Murphy, WN1C. All in favor.

Treasurers report submitted by Andy Koch, AC9CB and read by Steve Ujvarosy, W9GZO. Current checking account balance is $7,690.41. In December we received two donations to the club. Insurance and reimbursements have been paid and all expenses up to date. Motion to approve the Treasurers Report by Nicholas Lager, KB9SKW. Seconded by Sam Ledbetter, KI5POE. All in favor.

VE Report for February
Seven volunteer examiners in attendance.
Eight candidates resulting in six new Technician Class licenses and one new General Class license.
A testing and licensing opportunity will be at the upcoming MARA Hamfest on April 13th.

Bragging Rights and Call Sign Changes
Thomas Baden, AC9BJ, received the 2023 Missouri QSO Party First Place in Wisconsin award.
Ehren Hasz, new call sign K8CQ

ARRL Field Day will be at Badger Prairie County Park for 2024. Jeffrey Fillian, KC9UNC, has offered to manage publicity of the event.

The Madison Area Repeater Association Hamfest will be April 13th, 8:00AM – 12:00PM. If you are available to assist MARA with operating of the hamfest, including setup the preceding evening as well as tear down, contact Paul Anderson, WB9QVV, or Steve Ujvarosy, W9GZO. FLARC will also have a table at the hamfest. If you are available to assist please let Steve Ujvarosy, W9GZO, know. FLARC has also donated two annual memberships to be raffled as a door prize.

The Wisconsin QSO Party is March 10th, 2024. Thomas Baden, AC9BJ, Barry Arneson, K8SD, and Matt Okeson-Harlow, NM9O, will be operating the Wisconsin QSO Party in Shawano County as W9S. If anyone is interested in operate at UW Space Place as a multi operator station, contact Nicholas Lager, KB9SKW.

Sam Rowe, KG9NG, announced that the annual Dark Skies severe weather seminar will be held on February 24th at MATC from 9:00 AM – 4:00PM.
Presentation by Thomas Murphy, WN1C, about portable operating along with a show and tell of equipment.

Discussion from Steve Ujvarosy, W9GZO, about the future of the club.

Motion to adjourn by Nicholas Lager, KB9SKW. Seconded by Paulette Quick, WB9VHF.
Members and Guests in attendance:
Steve Ujvarosy, W9GZO
Frederick Baguhn, W9GOC
Nicholas Lager, KB9SKW
Thomas Murphy, WN1C
Josef Hladik
Paulette Quick, WB9VHF
Sam Rowe, KG0NG
Sam Ledbetter, KI5POE
Wil Cox, WA9MCV
Jackie Schellberg, KJ5DKX
Joe Senulis, N9TWA
Emily Noble, KD9YHF
Thomas Baden, AC9BJ
Jay Jaeger, W9IYN
Richard Manner, KG0XO
Ted Gisske, K9IMM
Larry Waldhart, KD9VTR
Mike Birch, KD9BDL
Lloyd Berg, N9LB
Bob Satterfield, K9GJ
Kevin Graniero, KF9AQ
Jim Long, N9EET
Ehren Hasz, K8CQ
Bob Seaquist, W9LSE
Jason Penn, N9RPT

Submitted by Nicholas Lager, KB9SKW

Business meeting

Called to order by Sam KG9NG at 19:34

Minutes from November were reviewed. Two corrections made to the minutes and posted. Motion by Thomas AC9BJ to accept, Seconded by Thomas WN1C. Passed without objection.

Treasurer's report

Recent transactions include Dues received and reimbursement for Zoom subscription and Field Day supplies but have not posted to checking yet, with $866 in PayPal.
Checking Balance is $7452.77
Thomas AC9BJ moved to approve, Paulette WB9VHF seconded. Passed without objection.

VE Report

There were 6 VEs and 5 candidates
1 Tech
1 General
2 Extra

Bragging/Upgrades/Call Sign Changes

Thomas, AC9BJ received his second Kilo award for Parks on the Air for over 1000 contacts at Governor Nelson State Park

Ehren KD9WFW recently upgraded to Extra and will be changing callsign soon.

WN1C - 2 more unique summits on the air summits in Maine in December

Field Day Report

Badger Prairie Park has been confirmed.

Discussion on looking at other parks. We have been hosting Field Day for at least 15 years at Badger Prairie. Should we consider another location? We have some basic requirements - water, accessible, electricity, able to reserve overnight.

Recommendation is to have a committee meeting and bring back results to next club meeting. Nicholas will proceed with doing so.


MARA Hamfest date has changed - now April 13th, 8am-noon (vendor access 6am). Connect with MARA if you are interested in supporting the event by volunteering. There will be a VE session that FLARC sponsors. Sam will be coordinating the VE session.

Nominations for Officers
Steve W9GZO

Vice President
Thomas WN1C


Andy AC9CB

Board of Directors
Nicholas KB9SKW
Sam KG9NG - declines nomination
Ehren KD9WFW
Thomas AC9BJ - declines nomination
Third position remains vacant

Nominations were all uncontested. As discussed on the board, the nominees with approved a simple voice vote.


The next FLARC meeting will be February 20th at Space Place and Zoom.

Official Meeting adjourned at 20:00

Some discussion on why the board chose the DFI date as the requirement for having a full board. It will be the next date that we have to report our officer list to the state as part of our annual corporate filings. It was a good deadline to set. The new board will meet and discuss this further.

Thank you to Sam and Paulette as outgoing Board Members at Large for many years of guiding and leading the club.

The crew heading to Shawano County will be operating a 1x1 callsign for the WI QSO part - W9S

Summits on the air is having a 10m challenge this year. There will be awards at the end of the year.


Paul WB9QVV from the Madison Area Repeater Association presented on their repeaters, capabilities and accessing the systems.

MARA Hamfest will be April 27, 2024

Business meeting

Called to order by Sam KG9NG at 20:38

Minutes from November were reviewed. Motion by Nicholas KB9SKW to accept, seconded by Thomas WN1C

Treasurer's report

Recent transactions include Dues received and gift in memory of Bradford Kleeman
Checking Balance is $7452.77

VE Report

There were 8 VEs but no candidates looking for exams this month - a rare occurrence for us.

This was the last session for Ron, K2VB to be coordinator. Frederick, W9GOC is filling in as interim coordinator. If you are interested in taking on the coordinator position, please contact Frederick or Sam. We are unique in that we are doing in-person exam sessions versus many VE organizations doing only online exams. It would be good to keep the sessions running.


Thomas, WN1C received WI POTA QRP award. Activated parks in California recently. In Maine soon.

Thomas, AC9BJ received the Kilo award for Parks on the Air for over 1000 activations contacts at Governor Dodge State Park

Field Day Report

Park has been confirmed. More details to come 


WI QSO party is coming up soon (in three months). Thomas, Matt, Barry will be heading to Shawno Shawano County.


Budget presented for second time with no changes or discussion. Thomas AC9BJ moved to accept the budget as presented, Sam KG9NG seconded. Passed without objection.

Nominations for Officers
Steve W9GZO

Vice President
Thomas WN1C


Andy AC9CB

Board of Directors
Nicholas KB9SKW
Gary KA9SRM - declines nomination
Matthew KD9DZT - declines nomination

Nominations will be open before voting at the January meeting. We will be looking for President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and 3 Board Members at Large.  If there is not a full set of officers at the next DFI Annual Report filing in mid-2024, the board that remains will look to dissolve the club.


The next FLARC meeting will be January 16th at Space Place and Zoom.

Meeting adjourned at 20:59


Lloyd N9LB presented on Low Frequency Radio Communications

Business meeting

Called to order by Sam KG9NG at 20:15

Recap of Fox Hunt

Thomas WN1C provided this update:
Thomas AC9BJ was the fox and located himself at the Ice Age Trail near 5 Points in Verona.

The first team to locate the fox was WN1C and KK6HJI at 19:57
KB9SKW and W9GZO located the fox at 20:23
KF9AQ using his scanner found the fox as well.
NM9O caught up with the others at Culvers around 10pm local.

Treasurer's report

Recent transactions include payments for Field Day park rental, website hosting, and DFI Annual Report.
Checking Balance is $7030.10
Passed without objection

VE Report

At the regular session on September 2nd there were 4 candidates, leaving with 3 technicians and 1 general.

Technician Class

A Technician Class will be held October 21-22. We have several folks already signed up. If you are interested, contact Paulette - See Tech Class for details

Field Day Report

Band conditions were so/so. Picnic was well received. The event was appreciated by at least one new ham in attendance.

Winter Field Day planning - contact Matt NM9O


Holiday Party? If you are interested and would be willing to coordinate, contact Board members.

Call for Club Officers. If you are interested in helping to run FLARC, contact the Board


Badger Challenge is looking for assistance this Sunday - trying to fill SAG and other positions. Contact Kyle, KC9SDK

Fox Cities ARC is hosting their swap fest on November 5th and sent a couple tickets to FLARC. These will be up for grabs at the next meeting.

HRO Superfest is this weekend in Milwaukee.

The next FLARC meeting will be October 17th at Space Place and Zoom.

Meeting adjourned at 20:30


Lloyd N9LB presented on Lightning Protection for Amateur Radio Stations

Business meeting

Called to order by Sam KG9NG at 20:32

April 18, 2023 minutes read by Andy AC9CB, no corrections. Motion to approve by Thomas AC9BJ, seconded by Nicholas KB9SKW. No objections.

Treasurer's report

Checking Balance $7290.28
There is a PayPal balance to be transferred not reflected in above balance
Thomas AC9BG moved to approve, Bob WA9D seconded. Passed without objection.

VE Report

At the regular session on May 6th there were 6 candidates and 8 VEs. Everyone got something. One candidate passed both Tech and General.

We continue to look for a replacement VE Coordinator. Contact Ron K2VB or Sam KG9NG if you have interest.

Changes & Upgrades

Steve KD9WNS has a new callsign W9GZO

Field Day Committee Report

Planning to run 4A with multiple stations and antennas. Trello is being used for tracking logistics. Borrowing battery from Thomas AC9BJ. Generator is being borrowed from Mike KD9BDL. Setup will start at 8am with operating at 1pm Saturday June 24 through 1pm Sunday June 25. Contact NM9O at if you would like to participate. Hosting a BBQ picnic for dinner with Kevin KF9AQ cooking. Please RSVP for the picnic to Nicholas at KB9SKW at

Old Business

Call for nominations was made for President, Vice President and Secretary, but none offered.


The regular FLARC Meeting on June 20 will be at Badger Prairie Park at 7:00pm.

July meeting will be at Space Place along with a Zoom call option.

Motion to close meeting by Matt NM9O, seconded by Thomas WN1C.

Meeting adjourned at 20:42


Dennis W6DQ presented on Introduction to Amateur Microwave Radio

Business meeting

Called to order by Sam KG9NG at 20:44

March 21, 2023 minutes read by Andy AC9CB, no corrections. Motion to approve by Sam KG9NG, seconded by Matt NM9O. No objections.

Treasurer's report

Checking Balance $7290.28
Recent transactions include dues received.

VE Report

Hamfest had 4 candidates - 2 Tech, 1 General, 1 Extra. Kudos to the Extra as he ended up taking an outdated exam, then the correct version and passed.

We continue to look for a replacement VE Coordinator. Contact Ron K2VB or Sam KG9NG

Field Day Committee Report

Badger Prairie Park has been reserved for Field Day June 24-25.  Special Event Permit needs to be submitted. Matt, NM9O, will be doing such. Nicholas, KB9SKW, has several additional names to add to the fdops list of those who plan to participate.


May meeting will be on Zoom, look for an announcement on QST.

The regular FLARC Meeting in June will be at the park (June 20)

It is possible we will  go to in-person meeting in July at Space Place. Look for announcements.

Old Business

Call for nominations was made for President, Vice President and Secretary, but none offered. 


Motion to close meeting by Matt NM9O, seconded by Nicholas KB9SKW.

Meeting adjourned at 20:57


Michael KB9VBR on Solar Power and Amateur Radio

Business meeting

Called to order by Sam KG9NG at 20:18

February 21, 2023 minutes read by Andy AC9CB, no corrections. Motion to approve by Thomas AC9BJ, seconded by Nicholas KB9SKW. No objections.

Treasurer's report

Checking Balance $7265.28
Recent transactions include payment of insurance premium,
Report received with motion by Thomas AC9BJ, seconded by Nicholas KB9SKW

VE Report

6 candidates walked away with successful exams.  There were more VEs present than candidates. We continue to look for a replacement VE Coordinator. Contact Ron K2VB or Sam KG9NG


Matt NM9O and Thomas AC9BJ did not freeze to death while operating outdoor in Jackson County for the Wisconsin QSO Party

Nicholas KB9SKW made about 160 contacts in the Wisconsin QSO Party

Matt KD9DZT received an award from Wisconsin Parks on the Air for 1st Place as Not in a Park Operator

Call sign changes & Upgrades

Thomas WN1C was previously AB1YW

Steve KD9WNS is a new Extra and will be getting a new call sign

Field Day Committee Report

Badger Prairie Park has been reserved for Field Day June 24-25

The regular FLARC Meeting in June will be at the park (June 20)

Matt NM9O will be sending an email to the fdops list to set up a committee meeting.


MARA Hamfest is returning April 15th in Stoughton. They are looking for volunteers to assist. There will be a VE session at 10am - also looking for a couple more VEs to assist, contact Sam KG9NG.

There is a Hamfest this weekend in Milwaukee at the Elks Lodge on Good Hope Rd across from HRO. March 25th.

It is possible we will  go to in-person meeting in July at Space Place.  The room is currently occupied during our meeting time. Look for announcements.

New Business

Call for nominations was made for President, Vice President and Secretary, but none offered. 

Applause for Nicholas KB9SKW for lining up great presenters over the past few months. Thank you.

Motion to close meeting by Nicholas KB9SKW, seconded by Matt NM9O.

Meeting adjourned at 20:32