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FLARC General Meeting Minutes Tuesday, January 16, 2024

Business meeting

Called to order by Sam KG9NG at 19:34

Minutes from November were reviewed. Two corrections made to the minutes and posted. Motion by Thomas AC9BJ to accept, Seconded by Thomas WN1C. Passed without objection.

Treasurer's report

Recent transactions include Dues received and reimbursement for Zoom subscription and Field Day supplies but have not posted to checking yet, with $866 in PayPal.
Checking Balance is $7452.77
Thomas AC9BJ moved to approve, Paulette WB9VHF seconded. Passed without objection.

VE Report

There were 6 VEs and 5 candidates
1 Tech
1 General
2 Extra

Bragging/Upgrades/Call Sign Changes

Thomas, AC9BJ received his second Kilo award for Parks on the Air for over 1000 contacts at Governor Nelson State Park

Ehren KD9WFW recently upgraded to Extra and will be changing callsign soon.

WN1C - 2 more unique summits on the air summits in Maine in December

Field Day Report

Badger Prairie Park has been confirmed.

Discussion on looking at other parks. We have been hosting Field Day for at least 15 years at Badger Prairie. Should we consider another location? We have some basic requirements - water, accessible, electricity, able to reserve overnight.

Recommendation is to have a committee meeting and bring back results to next club meeting. Nicholas will proceed with doing so.


MARA Hamfest date has changed - now April 13th, 8am-noon (vendor access 6am). Connect with MARA if you are interested in supporting the event by volunteering. There will be a VE session that FLARC sponsors. Sam will be coordinating the VE session.

Nominations for Officers
Steve W9GZO

Vice President
Thomas WN1C


Andy AC9CB

Board of Directors
Nicholas KB9SKW
Sam KG9NG - declines nomination
Ehren KD9WFW
Thomas AC9BJ - declines nomination
Third position remains vacant

Nominations were all uncontested. As discussed on the board, the nominees with approved a simple voice vote.


The next FLARC meeting will be February 20th at Space Place and Zoom.

Official Meeting adjourned at 20:00

Some discussion on why the board chose the DFI date as the requirement for having a full board. It will be the next date that we have to report our officer list to the state as part of our annual corporate filings. It was a good deadline to set. The new board will meet and discuss this further.

Thank you to Sam and Paulette as outgoing Board Members at Large for many years of guiding and leading the club.

The crew heading to Shawano County will be operating a 1x1 callsign for the WI QSO part - W9S

Summits on the air is having a 10m challenge this year. There will be awards at the end of the year.