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Four Lakes Amateur Radio Club Membership Meeting
February 20th 2024

Meeting called to order at 7:30pm CST by Steve Ujvarosy, W9GZO.

Motion to approve the minutes of the January 2024 meeting by Thomas Baden, AC9BJ. Seconded by Thomas Murphy, WN1C. All in favor.

Treasurers report submitted by Andy Koch, AC9CB and read by Steve Ujvarosy, W9GZO. Current checking account balance is $7,690.41. In December we received two donations to the club. Insurance and reimbursements have been paid and all expenses up to date. Motion to approve the Treasurers Report by Nicholas Lager, KB9SKW. Seconded by Sam Ledbetter, KI5POE. All in favor.

VE Report for February
Seven volunteer examiners in attendance.
Eight candidates resulting in six new Technician Class licenses and one new General Class license.
A testing and licensing opportunity will be at the upcoming MARA Hamfest on April 13th.

Bragging Rights and Call Sign Changes
Thomas Baden, AC9BJ, received the 2023 Missouri QSO Party First Place in Wisconsin award.
Ehren Hasz, new call sign K8CQ

ARRL Field Day will be at Badger Prairie County Park for 2024. Jeffrey Fillian, KC9UNC, has offered to manage publicity of the event.

The Madison Area Repeater Association Hamfest will be April 13th, 8:00AM – 12:00PM. If you are available to assist MARA with operating of the hamfest, including setup the preceding evening as well as tear down, contact Paul Anderson, WB9QVV, or Steve Ujvarosy, W9GZO. FLARC will also have a table at the hamfest. If you are available to assist please let Steve Ujvarosy, W9GZO, know. FLARC has also donated two annual memberships to be raffled as a door prize.

The Wisconsin QSO Party is March 10th, 2024. Thomas Baden, AC9BJ, Barry Arneson, K8SD, and Matt Okeson-Harlow, NM9O, will be operating the Wisconsin QSO Party in Shawano County as W9S. If anyone is interested in operate at UW Space Place as a multi operator station, contact Nicholas Lager, KB9SKW.

Sam Rowe, KG9NG, announced that the annual Dark Skies severe weather seminar will be held on February 24th at MATC from 9:00 AM – 4:00PM.
Presentation by Thomas Murphy, WN1C, about portable operating along with a show and tell of equipment.

Discussion from Steve Ujvarosy, W9GZO, about the future of the club.

Motion to adjourn by Nicholas Lager, KB9SKW. Seconded by Paulette Quick, WB9VHF.
Members and Guests in attendance:
Steve Ujvarosy, W9GZO
Frederick Baguhn, W9GOC
Nicholas Lager, KB9SKW
Thomas Murphy, WN1C
Josef Hladik
Paulette Quick, WB9VHF
Sam Rowe, KG0NG
Sam Ledbetter, KI5POE
Wil Cox, WA9MCV
Jackie Schellberg, KJ5DKX
Joe Senulis, N9TWA
Emily Noble, KD9YHF
Thomas Baden, AC9BJ
Jay Jaeger, W9IYN
Richard Manner, KG0XO
Ted Gisske, K9IMM
Larry Waldhart, KD9VTR
Mike Birch, KD9BDL
Lloyd Berg, N9LB
Bob Satterfield, K9GJ
Kevin Graniero, KF9AQ
Jim Long, N9EET
Ehren Hasz, K8CQ
Bob Seaquist, W9LSE
Jason Penn, N9RPT

Submitted by Nicholas Lager, KB9SKW


In conjunction with this year's ARRL Field Day, the Four Lakes Amateur Radio Club is hosting a picnic and social on June 24th. Please join us at Badger Prairie County Park in Verona for dinner and say hello to everyone you have not seen for a while. Dinner will be served at 5PM.

Compliments of our great grill master Kevin, KF9AQ, FLARC will be providing the standard fare including hamburgers and brats along with vegetarian offerings and assorted side dishes and soft drinks.

As for deserts, we are asking for a few people to step up and bring a few options. If you are willing, please let me know.

So we have an idea on what to bring, we are asking for a RSVP by June 20th. This is the day of the FLARC June meeting at Badger Prairie Park where we will go over final ARRL Field Day preparations for the weekend. Simply send Nicholas, KB9SKW, an email with your information.

Of course this is ARRL Field Day. All are encouraged to pick up a microphone or key and operate the contest. We will begin setup at 8am, start operating at 1pm and run 24 hours until 1pm on Sunday the 25th with a tear town to follow.

The September membership meeting is approaching. Please join us on September 20th in welcoming Carl Luetzelschwab, K9LA, to our club. He will be presenting on low band propagation and the advantages of digital modes like JT65 and FT8 over SSB and CW.

Carl has a long and storied history in amateur radio. He received his novice license in 1961 and has been interested in propagation since attending Purdue University and graduating with a Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering in 1969 and a Master's Degree in Electrical Engineering in 1972. After school he worked as an RF design engineer for Motorola and Raytheon designing solid state RF power amplifiers.

You may remember his name and call sign from the pages of CQ magazine, where he wrote the monthly Practical Propagation column and continues writing to this day publishing his work online. In 2016 he was appointed ARRL Central Division Vice Director and moved up to Director in 2021. He has served as National Contest Journal editor from 2002 until 2007 and has also published in QST and other publications.

As always we will have the meeting room open early, stop by and chat with other members beforehand. The program will start at 7:30 with a question and answer session for Carl to follow. After this we will have our normal business meeting, discussing activities, events and so forth.

If you would like to attend our Zoom meeting, please email us at and we will be happy to send you an invitation.

Nicholas Lager, KB9SKW

In lieu of a regular June meeting, FLARC generally meets at Badger Prairie County Park to discuss last minute Field Day issues. We are not hosting a Field Day this year but that does not mean we will not be meeting at Badger Prairie.

Instead join FLARC at the park on Tuesday June 21st for an on foot transmitter hunt!

This transmitter hunt will demonstrate basic and advanced methods of transmitter hunting using nothing more than a simple 2m handheld radio as well as specialized receivers and directional antennas.
Bring your equipment, be that just your hand held radio or something fancier and give it a shot.