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March 2013 General Membership Meeting Minutes

March 2013 Four Lakes Amateur Radio Club

General Membership Meeting, called to order at 7:30PM by Fredrick W9GOC

Officers Present:

President Fredrick Baguhn W9GOC, Vice President Nicholas Lager KB9SKW, Directors Lloyd Berg N9LB, Bob Wilson WA9D, Betsy Baguhn WN9GOC

Members Present:

Elden Boehm NK9U, Ed Ellesson AC9DE, Thomas Baden AC9BJ, Sam Rowe KG9NG, Robert Huntington KC9RLS, Tom Pugh W9TDP, Bud Morin K9ZT, John Steffl WZ9I, John Hicks KA9KYB, Gary Muskat KA9SRM, Chris Budinger W9NSL, Carlyon  Kammen NQ9A, Ron Burnette K2VB, Brad Kleemann WB9WHI, Jim Gorden W9GL, Nathan Harsha KC9WHJ


Guests Present:

Peter Formiller KC9YLF, Brieann Robbins


The February 2013 meeting minutes were read by Nicholas KB9SKW.  Corrections were noted and approved with revisions.


Treasurers Report:

No treasurer present.



Lloyd N9LB, operated the CQ World Wide WPX Contest as last year and earned fifth place in the country in the QRP category with 232,716 points.



No upgrades or call sign changes in the last month.


VE Report:

Carolyn NQ9A reported that nine new technician licenses were awarded following the conclusion of the February tech class.

The March 2nd 2013 exam session awarded two technician and two general licenses.

April exam session is Saturday April 6th at UW Space Place.

MARA will host an exam session at their annual hamfest scheduled on April 13th.

The general license class is scheduled for May 11th and 12th. An exam session will also be on Sunday May 12th at 3:30PM at the conclusion of the class.


Foxhunt report:

Brad WB9WHI and Thomas AC9BJ participated in the February 2013 fox hunt.   Brad hid at Olin Turville park and Thomas found him in 23 minutes.


Eight members present participated in the WI QSO Party held on March 10th.  Nicholas KB9SKW, Thomas AC9BJ, Matt KC9ULS and Nathan KC9WHJ operated the N9UW station and made 250 contacts. Steve N9CK and Carlyon NQ9A made 933 contacts and Ed AC9DE made 76 contacts.

Lloyd N9LB operated the CQ World Wide 160m SSB and the ARRL Internal DX contest and reports doing well for both contests.

Carolyn operated the North American QSO Party RTTY contest held on February 23rd and 24th and made 53 contacts as well as the ARRL DX Phone contest on March 2nd and 3rd.  She also worked the BARTG HF RTTY contest and made 113 contacts.



Sam KG9NG reports the annual tornado and severe storm seminar held at Fermilab in Batavia IL will take place April 6th.

Fredrick reports that AES Superfest is April 5th and 6th.  AES is hosting FLARC to show support for the club, promote upcoming club activities and to recruit new members.

Carolyn NQ9A reports the Madison Area Repeater Association’s annual hamfest will take place on Saturday April 13th.  MARA is looking for volunteers which will get you free admission to the hamfest.


Old Business:


New Business:

Space Place hosted an event Speakeasy Science on March 8th consisting of an evening of science experiments, demonstrations and other hand on activities. Carolyn NQ9A, Paulette WB9VHF and Sam KG9NG operated and demonstrated the Space Place Amateur Radio Center for attendees to see amateur radio firsthand and answer questions.

Submitted my Nicholas Lager KB9SKW, Vice President.