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Called to order at 19:32. Zoom link was expired and we could not generate a new link on short notice, so sorry to anyone trying to meet us on Zoom tonight.

Review of May Meeting Minutes

Sam KG9NG moved to accept, Matt NM9O seconded. Passed without objection.

Treasurers Report

Checking balance is $8,043.67. Recent transactions include dues received, payments for Field Day food and filing of Annual Report


KD9ZKI Patrick
Erick, studying for his license

VE Report

There was a VE Session in July, 4 candidates walked away with licenses.

Bragging Rights/Upgrades/Call Sign Changes

Sam KI5POE made all 50 states on FT8

Upcoming Opportunities
  • Central States VHF Society Conference 2024 Cedar Rapids, IA July 25-27, 2024 []
  • Dairyland Dare Bike Event Support August 3, 2024 [KC9IFF Luke]
  • Circus City Swapfest Baraboo, WI August 24, 2024
  • Bike the Barns Bike Event Support September 15, 2024 [KC9UNZ Jeff]
  • Badger Challenge Bike Event Support September 22, 2024 [KD9SDK Kyle]
  • Chicago Marathon Event Support Chicago IL October 13, 2024 [WA9CBR Tom]
Old Business

Work on April J-Pole tuning continues. 

ICOM 706 Radio has been found and returned to FLARC inventory

New Business

Continue to seek Secretary and VE Liaison. If you have interest, contact Steve W9GZO

August Fox Hunt - looking for those who want to seek out the fox. Thomas WN1C will be hiding.  Meet August 20, 7pm at the parking lot outside First Business Bank, 401 Charmany Dr, Madison, WI 53719

We are beginning planning for a Holiday Party in December. If you are interested in helping to coordinate, contact Steve W9GZO



Program for July Meeting - Review of Field Day

Matt NM9O led discussion of several items to consider for next year

Bands: 15, 20, 40, 80 meter on Quad-Plexer, 2, 6 and 10 meter on standalone antennas. Modes: SSB, CW, FT8, FT4

Winter Field Day - January 25 & 26, 2025. 

Adjournment of Meeting

Sam KI5POE moved to Adjourn, Matt NM9O seconded. Adjourned at 20:34


Rat Pack/K8ZT recording on FT8 and FT4

Business meeting

Called to order by Sam KG9NG at 20:29

No minutes for October Meeting

Treasurer's report

Recent transactions include payments for Class Refreshments and Dues received
Checking Balance is $7182.77
2024 Budget presentation and discussion, return in December for vote.  See the attachment sent to QST for the draft budget and send any comments to Andy AC9CB before the December meeting.

VE Report

All those who came to the most recent regular session passed with a successful exam. 5 Tech, 1 General, 2 Extras.

Ron, K2VB would like to step down as the liaison. We are unique in that we are doing in-person exam sessions versus many VE organizations doing only online exams. It would be good to keep the sessions running.

Field Day Report

Matt is confirming the park reservation for 2024. We are planning to have a picnic.

Technician Class

A Technician Class was held October 21-22. 4 people attended the first day and 3 people on the second day of the class. All 4 people and one additional tested on the Sunday VE session. All of them passed the technician license exam.


Lloyd, N9LB fell out of a tree and is working on getting better.

Gary Berliot NG9V had been a president of FLARC in the past is now a silent key.

Peg Haese KB9LIE a previous secretary of FLARC is now a silent key.

Bradford Kleemann, WB9WHI became a Silent Key in September. Kevin Kolpitcke K9EV received his radios and sold one them at the Belvidere Hamfest. He has generously donated $250 to the club in memory of Brad.

Joe Imilkowski W9CWD is a silent key.

Pete Byfield K9VAL is a silent key in the past couple weeks.


Holiday Party - we received no interest of anyone looking to coordinate. The party will be cancelled for 2023. It is not too early to think ahead to 2024

Call for Club Officers. If you are interested in helping to run FLARC, contact the Board. During the December meeting, nominations will be open for vote at the January meeting. We will be looking for President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and 3 Board Members at Large.  If there is not a full set of officers at the next DFI Annual Report filing in mid-2024, the board that remains will look to dissolve the club.


The next FLARC meeting will be December 19th at Space Place and Zoom.

Meeting adjourned at 20:53


In conjunction with this year's ARRL Field Day, the Four Lakes Amateur Radio Club is hosting a picnic and social on June 24th. Please join us at Badger Prairie County Park in Verona for dinner and say hello to everyone you have not seen for a while. Dinner will be served at 5PM.

Compliments of our great grill master Kevin, KF9AQ, FLARC will be providing the standard fare including hamburgers and brats along with vegetarian offerings and assorted side dishes and soft drinks.

As for deserts, we are asking for a few people to step up and bring a few options. If you are willing, please let me know.

So we have an idea on what to bring, we are asking for a RSVP by June 20th. This is the day of the FLARC June meeting at Badger Prairie Park where we will go over final ARRL Field Day preparations for the weekend. Simply send Nicholas, KB9SKW, an email with your information.

Of course this is ARRL Field Day. All are encouraged to pick up a microphone or key and operate the contest. We will begin setup at 8am, start operating at 1pm and run 24 hours until 1pm on Sunday the 25th with a tear town to follow.

Called to order at 19:30 by Frederick W9GOC

Read by Thomas AC9BJ, no additions or corrections.

Treasurers Report
$4820.70 Balance

Recent Income
$345.00 Dues
$3.00 Donation
$63.00 Holiday Party

Recent Expenses
$6.91 Paypal Fees
$230.00 Park Rental
$45.82 Awards
$10.00 Attic Angel

Noelia KD9KRR
Noelia's Mom with a Driver's License

The Wisconsin QSO Party sent Carolyn NQ9A and Steve N9CK a 2nd place certificate for 2018.

VE report
December: 2 general, 5 tech
Next one is January 5th.

Field Day
Winter Field Day is happening on January 26th and 27th.  It's a great opportunity to get on the air.

March 30-31, 2019 Technician Class
Maybe we can engage the website to solicit interest in a General Class class.

Special event station W7Q will be operating from the Quartzite Convention in the last full week of January.  Approximately 300 Hams in RVs operating off-grid in Arizona, surrounded by 7,000 non-Ham RVs.
The Waukesha MidWinter Hamfest is on January 5th in the Waukesha County Expo Center.
Wisconsin QSO Party is in March.
Jefferson Swapfest is in March.

2019 Budget
Club Treasurer Andy AC9CB presented the 2019 budget for approval.
Passed unanimously.

2019 Board Nominations
President: Frederick W9GOC
Vice-President: Thomas AC9BJ
Treasurer: Andy AC9CB
Secretary: Matt NM9O
Board Members At Large: Bob WA9D, Eldon NK9U, Barry K8SD

Buck Night
Noelia KD9KRR - Dwight Eisenhower

Looking to get into Amateur Radio?  Need help studying for your Technician exam?  Mark off March 30th and 31st, 2019 on your calendar and join us for a Tech Class.  There is no cost for the class, and you will have an opportunity to take the exam after the class on Sunday!  See the Four Lakes Amateur Radio website for full details.

Fellow FLARCians!

There will not be a general membership meeting this month. Instead we will be
holding the annual foxhunt. Start time is 19:00 at 401 Charmany Ln, the east
end of the First Business Bank building parking lot.
The fox will be on 146.465MHz.

The repeater for this will be the 147.150+ pl 123.0.
We look forward to seeing you there!