Called to order by Frederick W9GOC
Category: Meeting
April 2018, General Membership Meeting
Called to order at 19:30 by Frederick W9GOC.
...continue reading "April 2018, General Membership Meeting"
March 2018, General Membership Meeting
Called to order at 91:30 by Frederick W9GOC.
Minutes read by Matt NM9O.
Treasurers Report
Keith hanging out with Brad, still doesn't have his ham license.
Matt NM9O participated in the VA QSO party, 23 contacts on 40M.
Winter Field Day results are posted, W9JZ
Callsign Changes
VE Report
Technician Class, Feb 25, 5 Techs, 2 general, 1 extra
March 3, 1 tech, 1 general.
April 7 next VE Session.
April 7th, 2018 MARA Hamfest, 400 Mandt Parkway, Stoughton, WI
Tickets can also be purchased online.
April 13th, 2019 MARA Hamfest.
March 24th, 2018 Hamfest in Milwaukee at the Elks Club across the street from HRO.
Old Business
Budget that was proposed last month. Andy AC9CB reviews the budget that was proposed.
Motion to accept by Sam KG9NG, seconded by Matt NM9O, passed unanimously.
Buck Night
Carolyn NQ9A
Stuart AC9LZ "An Introduction to KiCAD"
February 2018, General Membership Meeting
Called to order at 19:32 by Frederick W9GOC
Treasurers Report
$4571.25 current balance. Anyone with outstanding
Patrick KA1RB, lives just south of Oconomowoc. Don conned him into being the section manager, and for some reason
he is doing it again.
Lloyd N9LB, 1st place in January VHF contest for 2017 for Wisconsin.
VE Report
February 3rd: 6 tech, 4 general, 2 passed extra, one had to check felony and has not followed up.
Next test on the 25th at the tech class.
March 3rd is next normal test.
Technician Class
February 24-25, 2018. 7 people signed up. The question pool is changing in June, if people are working on getting
the tech license, do so before the pool changes.
Wisconsin QSO Party, March 11, 2018.
Jefferson Hamfest on March 18th, 2018.
MARA Hamfest, which is now ARRL affiliated will be in April 7, 2018. In Stoughton, Jeff KC9UNZ is the volunteer chairman if one would like to volunteer. Those that have had a table in the last three years should be receiving a notification in the mail.
Old Business
Paulette WB9VHF asked about our ARRL status, we are waiting for some paperwork to be sent.
Winter Field Day
Barry K8SD used a microphone. And a straight key, stats are available on the club website.
We passed out the budget proposal.
Buck Night
Betsy WN9GOC
January 2018, General Membership Meeting
Called to order by Frederick W9GOC at 19:30.
Frederick W9GOC is looking for signatures to nominate our current section manager, Patrick, for another term.
Read by Matt NM9O, question regarding the nomination for President, AC9BJ was removed at his request.
Barry K8SD, went up to Blue Mounds in November and worked CQWW CW. Worked Guam, Japan and many other countries.
Had a great time. Used an IC-7300 and an 80M endfed halfwave. 10, 15, 40, and 80M.
VE Report
Ron K2VB, wants to thank Carolyn NQ9A for covering for him at the beginning of January.
January: 3 Tech, 1 General.
In December one of the people checked the felony box, and have not received his license yet, the FCC did follow up, but he did not respond.
Next VE session is February 3rd.
There will be a technician class, February 24-25, 2018. Testing at 15:30 on the 25th.
Ralph Kuehn, KD9NHU, upgraded to Extra.
The Senate looks like it will be having a debate on Net Neutrality.
Jefferson Hamfest on March 18th.
MARA Hamfest, which is now ARRL affiliated will be in April 7, 2018. In Stoughton, Jeff KC9UNZ is the volunteer chairman if one would like to volunteer. Those that have had a table in the last three years should be receiving a notification in the mail.
Dayton Hamvention is in May, along with 4 days in May.
Austin KD9CZE, looking for some help with setting up a station and also looking at upgrading to General.
2018 Board Election Results:
President: Frederick W9GOC
Vice President: Thomas AC9BJ
Treasurer: Andy AC9CB
Secretary: Matt NM9O
Board Members at Large:
Barry K8SD
Eldon NK9U
Stuart AC9LZ
Upcoming January 2018 Meeting
Fellow FLARCians!
This is a longish update, please read through to the end.
Our monthly gathering is soon to be upon us! This coming Tuesday evening,
January 16th, 2018, we will be gathering at our usual location of UW Space
Place at 19:00 and being called to order at 19:30.
Our program this month will be programming radios, specifically with the Free
and Open Source program CHIRP. If you got a new radio this past holiday
season and want some help programming it, or have had one for a while that you
would like help with, please bring it! We will have cables for
Kenwood/Baofeng radios.
This month we will be holding elections for the Board of Directors, so far our
nominees are, in no particular order:
President: Frederick W9GOC
Vice President: Thomas AC9BJ, Ron K2VB
Treasurer: Joe KC9OOG
Secretary: Matt NM9O
Board Member at Large (3): Barry K8SD
Andy AC9CB
Eldon NK9U
Thomas AC9BJ
Stuart AC9LZ
We will take more nominations before the election, self nominations are
Which brings me to my next item, membership dues. In order to vote, you must
be a current member. If you have not paid your dues for this year, please
bring cash or check made out to Four Lakes Amateur Radio Club.
$25 Regular Membership
$20 Senior
$14 Additional Family Member
$10 Student
Also with the new year, we will be retiring the mailing current QST mailing list.
The new list will be located at and will only be for
current members.
Also at the end of this month we will be participating in Winter Field Day,
Jan 27-28. We will be at the Town of Christiana Town Hall, just outside of
Cambridge. If you have any questions or want to attend, but are not on the
FDOPS list, please contact Matt NM9O or Carolyn NQ9A.
December 2017, General Membership Meeting
Called to order at 19:31 by Frederick W9GOC
...continue reading "December 2017, General Membership Meeting"
October 2017 Meeting, NOT AT SPACE PLACE!
Our monthly gathering will NOT be at UW Space Place this month, instead we will be taking a tour of WMTV Channel 15!
615 Forward Drive
Madison, WI 53711
We will be skipping the business part of our meeting, however we will be starting the tour at 19:00!
September 2017, General Membership Meeting
Called to order by Frederick W9GOC at 19:30
...continue reading "September 2017, General Membership Meeting"
August 2017, Annual Fox Hunt
There will not be a general membership meeting this month. Instead we will be holding the annual foxhunt. Start time is 19:00 at 401 Charmany Ln, the east end of the First Business Bank building parking lot.
The fox will be on 146.465MHz.
The repeater for this will be the 147.150+ pl 123.0.
We hope to see you there!