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Program:   Software Defined Radio

Presenter -Nick Jungels  N9STF 

Nick Jungels, N(STF has been working in and around electronics for 25 years. He has held positions working as a designer on cellular IC chipsets, high speed optical networking devices, equipment for cinema and broadcast television production, database acceleration, and most recently gets to make radios at Flex Radio writing the digital logic inside of FPGAs and software for the radios. He lives in Mount Horeb with his wife and 4 daughters and new dog.

Business Meeting:

Called to order  by: Sam KG9NG 

Meeting Minutes  recorded by :Carolyn NQ9A

July  2021  minutes read by: Carolyn NQ9A-no corrections

Treasurers’ report from  Andy AC9CB  :via e-mail :FLARC Account balance is $6,371.67.  Recent transactions : none 

Budget preview will be prepared for the October BoD meeting in advance of the November general meeting where Andy will  present the budget.  Approval to be sought during the December meeting.

Bragging/upgrade call sign changes: none

Announcements/Upcoming Meetings/Programs :

       1)Upcoming public Service events looking for Volunteers: The  Ride is this Sunday 9-26-2021  Kyle the ham coordinator for the event looking for ham radio operators to volunteer for the event- If interested you can contact Kyle Schaefer KC9SDK  at

        2This year’s August Fox hunt-   The winners from the 2019 Fox hunt Matthew KD9DZT and Paul  N9VWH  hid the transmitter at Garner Park .It was an on foot transmitter hunt. There were 5 teams , including some newcomers. The winner was Thomas AC9BJ .

Programming ideas /people that want to present

  • We are looking for topics that members would like to see presented in the next few months or members that would like to present a topic. . We currently do not have a program for October 19th or December 21st . We are looking for presenters for the Spring . April, etc.
  • If we do not have an presenter for the October 19, 2021 meeting we will have an open discussion ,asking  members to tell us what interesting ham. radio related events they have participated in like :a) public service events this summer , ie Horribly Hilly Hundred, Dairyland  Dare, etc.   b)on the radio events  like Parks on the Air , special event, c)hamfests  attended. d)A project they want to talk about.

 Upcoming programs- For the November 16th, 2021 FLARC meeting  Jeff Fillian KC9UNZ  Dane County ARES Emergency Coordinator will present on what Dane County ARES is currently doing

General Question and Answer session for club members on any topic-none

FLARC General Meeting Minutes Tuesday July 20, 2021 7:30 pm via Zoom

Program :Digital Mobile Radio

Presenter :Scott Strain KC9TTF   

Scott Strain, KC9TTF worked for local, state and federal criminal justice agencies and for the insurance industry.  His interest in radio began in 1962 when he and his father constructed a pair of Knight-Kit C-100 walkie-talkies.  After retirement he pursued ham radio, becoming KC9TTF.  In addition to radios covering HF, VHF and UHF, Scott has Digital Mobile Radio rigs Bridge Com 878 and SkyBridge.

Business Meeting:

Called to order  by: Thomas AC9BJ           

Meeting Minutes  recorded by :Carolyn NQ9A

June 2021  minutes read by: Carolyn NQ9A-

 Addition to  June minutes: Show and Tell:  Thomas. AB1YW  brought  his Yaesu  FT 818   Go kit minus the coax

Treasurers’ report  Andy AC9CB  :FLARC Account Balance:   $6359.17

FIELD DAY 2021. FLARC Members who participated in Field Day 2021:

Mathew KD9DZT, Thomas AC9BJ, Carolyn NQ9A, Carlie KC9CZG, Barry  K8SD,Sam KG9NG, Paulette WB9VHF,

Upcoming Meetings/Programs :

FLARC’s Annual Fox Hunt –Tuesday  Aug 17 , 2021 7:00 pm

  • On Foot Fox Hunt at  Garner Park 333 S. Rosa Rd Madison, WI 53705
  • Mathew KD9DZT winner of the 2019 Fox Hunt will be the fox and hide the transmitter
  • Will meet in the park shelter at 7:00 pm 
  • Note :There is no regular FLARC meeting this month due to the Fox Hunt!
  • Communication via 2m simplex
  • Bring fox hunting equipment if you have it  if you have it. If you don’t , we will be organizing small groups of hunters .
  • Please wear face masks

FLARC General Meeting Minutes Tuesday June 15 , 2021 7:30 pm

In-person at Badger Prairie Park

Program:  Show and Tell

Thomas AC9BJ         SO2R kit, and a TNC kit

Matt    NM9O            Raspberry Pi-4 with serial port added to remove need for monitor and keyboard to make changes

Sam    KG9NG           Won an Arduino kit and looking for someone to give it to 

Chris   KD9KJV          Halfway through building a 6 m Yagi antenna

Thomas. AB1YW      Yaesu  FT 818   Go kit minus the coax

Business Meeting

Called to Order by :   Thomas AC9BJ

Meeting Minutes Recorded by: Carolyn NQ9A

May meeting minutes ready by : Thomas AC9BJ

Treasurers’ report : Andy AC9CB   via e-mail :FLARC Account Balance $ 6359.17 Recent transactions include  paid membership dues. 

Field day Announcements- Field day is 1:00 pm Saturday June 26,2021 to 1:00 om Sunday June 27, 2021

 FLARC Field day will be on Zoom , from 12:30 pm Saturday through end of field day , can join to socialize , ask questions, watch operations ,QST e-mail  has details

Next Month Presentation-

Program – Digital Mobile Radio Presenter   Scott Strain KC9TTF


FLARC General Meeting Minutes May 18th, 2021 via Zoom

Presentation/Program-  Cancelled- Program on  electromagnetic compatibility  by Kermit Carlson W9XA was cancelled today  due to a conflict that came up in his schedule the day before

Business Meeting:

Called to order  by: Thomas AC9BJ           

Meeting Minutes  recorded by :Carolyn NQ9A

April meeting minutes read by Carolyn NQ9A- no corrections

 Treasurers’ report : Andy AC9CB  -via e-mail  FLARC Account Balance $ 6339.17. Recent transactions include:Dues received and WI State  Annual  report  $10 filing fee  


Nick N9STF    Got a PGXL amplifier 1500 watts,  for 160 to 6 meters

Barry K8SD    Made contacts with stations in Kuwait and Kazakhstan  via FT8 on 17meters with  40 watts

Bob WA9D     Got a 5 dollar kit  to make white noise

Mark N9WIB   1)He has created a You tube series –for the  Technician class – 20 chapters , 20 -30 min –Available at

2)He bought new Yaesu FTM-400

Carlie  KD9CZG Received QSL confirmation  10 m beacon Merced ,California from KO6BB 2018

Q and A discussion

Nick  N9STF asked where Mark  N9WIB  bought his radio FT-400M

Lloyd- what band does it cover. 2m 440 extended receive , analog, digital

9700 Yaesu all mode , all bands-

Dan KD9PCB asking about what public service events are planned

  • Horribly hilly Hundred- Aug 28th , 2021  
  • The Ride -Sept. 26 th , 2021
  • Chicago Marathon 10 , 11 , 2021– leave 2 am in the morning – mile number 5-
  • Bike the Barns – nothing scheduled-virtual-fare share CSA coalition
  • Trek 100

Public service events are listed on the website

  • Field day last full weekend  in June – This year  the Field day Planning Committee meeting will be deciding on 5-22 if we can go ahead with field day

Nick  N9STF –Madison Amateur Radio discord. Server group–Invitation is

Carolyn NQ9A  announcement-Ham radio Net -Thursday Nights 8 pm   on the 147.15 MARA repeater W9HSY

New members!

  • Bruce Baranski-K9BGB -interest in DX -just retired
  • Dan KD9PCB – got Tech last Feb -has HTs, Thomas AC9BJ said mobile radios available for public service events
  • Tom Martin KC9PGD– general class -lives in Mount Horeb -
  • Bob Rabin- KA5MIZ. Research meteorologist – NOAA – in Oklahoma- and works with UW in Madison-weather satellites, experimental work with weather stations- transmit data via digital modes . Tapper goes on raspberry pi to transmit WSPR – seeing if he can use for other digital modes

 Upcoming meeting /programs:

Tuesday June 15th, 2021              Meeting at Badger Prairie Park -        Program -Show and tell – bring whatever you are working on

Tuesday July 20th, 2021               Presenter-Scott Strain  KC9TTF        Topic- Digital Mobile Radio

FLARC General Meeting Minutes April 20th, 2021 via Zoom

Program:Nano VNA.  Presenter :Nick N9STF  Nick Jungels, N9STF, has been working in and around electronics for 25 years. He has held positions working as a designer on cellular IC chipsets, high speed optical networking devices, equipment for cinema and broadcast television production, database acceleration, and most recently gets to make radios at Flex Radio writing the digital logic inside of FPGAs and software for the radios. He lives in Mount Horeb with his wife and 4 daughters and new dog.

Business Meeting:

Called to order  by: Thomas AC9BJ           

Meeting Minutes  recorded by :Carolyn NQ9A

March minutes read by Carolyn NQ9A- no corrections

Treasurers’ report : Andy AC9CB  

FLARC Account Balance $ 6329.17 Recent transactions include:Dues received (less Paypal fees) . The WI State  Annual  report filing is due June 30th. This will be completed in the next few days and Includes a 10$ filing fee.

BRAGGING/Upgrades and Call Sign Changes:

Marc N9WIB -got new antenna

Ted K9IMM -awards for 2 contests

1) placed first for the 2020 ARRL 160m contest

2) 2021 ARRL DX  Contest placed 1st  Wisconsin, and 2nd for W9 area

 VE Report-No VE sessions held at this time

Upcoming Classes-none-due to Covid-19 restrictions

Q and A discussion

  • Kyle KD9RBV- looking for problem solving for RF interference with WIFI
  • Lloyd N9LB did presentation for the Madison DX Club on Lightning Protection for Amateur radio stations—can find it on the Madison DX Club Website-
  • Lloyd N9LB worked Uraguay and Chile on 6 meters with a 6 element yagi , 800 watts
  • Ted K9IMM worked 6 m on FT8 200 watts , 5 element home brew Yagi -at 95 feet

Future presentations- Announcements

May 18, 2021  Meeting  Kermit Carlson-W9XA (Director ARRL Central Division )

June 15, 2021 Meeting Ham radio Show and Tell

  • In person
  • Badger Prairie County Park shelter (where we hold Field day)
  • Social distancing and masks will be required
  • Bring that new doodad you’ve been working on to discuss with the club



Called to order at 19:30 by Frederick W9GOC

Read by Andy AC9CB, no corrections

Treasurers Report
Andy AC9CB, reports $5,214.45 in our accounts
Recent transactions include dues received.

Pam Klas N9WPM, wife of Jim.  Tech for about 25 years, originally obtained on a bet.  Recently picked up again and having a blast with D-Star talking around the world.

Trevor K3TRE - Made his first DX contact! - OM2VL in Slovenia on 40M with an attic antenna.

Matt KD9DZT worked Pitcairn Islands - 17M and 15M. Also, San Andreas - 17M CW, 15M CW, 15M SSB, and 17M SSB

Barry K8SD worked 5T5AR in Mauritania on 5 different bands, CW, FT8 and SSB


VE Report
November 2nd Session - 3 Tech, 1 General

November 10th Session - No attendees

Winter Field Day
Upcoming soon.  Will be at Town of Christiana Town Hall.  Last Weekend in January - 25th and 26th.  Snow or not!

Summer Field Day
Badger Prairie County Park in Verona is reserved for June

Meteor Scatter opportunity - Thursday, November 21st ~9:30pm (good site to look for meteor work is  Mostly 6M and 2M, but also 220mhz, and possibly 10M.  Mode is MSK144.  Look to the east or south-east.

Holiday Party - December 3rd 7pm to 8:30pm - Attic Angel Community Room
Please complete the Doodle poll or see Andy to RSVP

Nominations for the FLARC board will be open in December and January.  Elections will happen at the January meeting.

Dues for 2020 can be paid now.  See Andy or the website for membership forms.

Paulette is retiring on January 3rd

New Business
Budget Presentation by Andy AC9CB.  We will vote on the proposed budget in December.

Steven KD9MWZ - Question on when we will be holding a General Class.  Answer: we will be looking to hold a class potentially in the first part of the year.  There are two interested here tonight.  We typically want 7 participants, so please recruit friends.

Buck Night
Steven Timm KD9MWZ - Sacagawea

K8SD Barry - Yagi Antenna building and MMANA-GAL Basic Antenna Modeling

Called to order at 19:30 by Frederick W9GOC

Read by Thomas AC9BJ, no corrections.

Treasurers Report
Andy AC9CB, $5199.45
Recent transactions include dues received and Field Day gas reimbursement.
No pending expenses at this time.

Clive N9FWF, here for the non-winter.
Merle KD9MXK, new ham.  Recently retired; looking for new challenges.
Andrew KD9NMN, interested in electronics, activating some Summits on the Air.

Matt KD9DZT, participated in the WWV anniversary special event, contacted their station on 40CW as well as SSB on a few bands.
Clive K9FWF, picked up a yaesu at the Superfest.  Later got called at home; he won the grand prize: an IC-7300.
Betsy WN9GOC got her first wallpaper for ARRL Diamond Club membership.
Thomas AC9BJ and Carolyn NQ9A placed second in WIPOTA activated parks.

Marshall Alworth KD0PNP, upgraded to Extra and is now AC9VV.

VE Report
Sat Oct 5th: 3 Extra, 1 Technician
2 VE sessions in November.  November 2nd for regular session.
November 10th at 3pm for post-class sessoon

Technician Class
Scheduled for November 9 and 10th, but only one registrant at this time.  Should be listed on ARRL site, as well as W9JZ site.

Fox Cities swapfest is Sunday November 3rd - new location in Kaukauna.

Buck Night
Trevor K3TRE received a Susan B Anthony.

Bob, WA9D presented on Standing Up for Standing Waves