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February 2020 General Membership Meeting

Called to order at 19:30 by Frederick W9GOC.

Read by Matt NM9O

Treasurers Report
Our current account balance is $5136.48. Recent transactions include dues received, Field Day park reservation, Winter Field Day gas, and annual insurance premium.

Jay KD9OVL, general, recent ham.
Tom KC9CBF(?)

Awards and Bragging
Barry K8SD, Thomas AC9BJ, and Matt NM9O made it into the March QST about the trip they took to Copper Harbor in 2018.
Jeff KC9UNZ, completed the PR001, ARRL Public Relations wallpaper.
Barry K8SD got KC4USV, Antartica, on 40M CW McMurdo Station.

Upgrades and Callsign changes
NM9N used to be KD9MNM.

Board of Directors
President, Frederick W9GOC
Vice President, Andrew NM9N ex KD9NMN
Treasurer, Andy AC9CB, not present.
Secretary, Matt NM9O
Mat KD9DZT, member of MARA, interests include repeaters and HF.
Jeff KC9UNZ, also EC for Dane and Iowa Counties, also volunteer coordinator for MARA hamfest.
Nick N9STF, not present.

VE Report
Feb 1 2020 - 1 tech, 3 general

Jeff KC9UNZ, there will be an ARES meeting Wednesday night at the hospital
Buck Night
Kathy Schram KB9UAZ