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FLARC General Meeting Minutes Tuesday, April 18, 2023


Dennis W6DQ presented on Introduction to Amateur Microwave Radio

Business meeting

Called to order by Sam KG9NG at 20:44

March 21, 2023 minutes read by Andy AC9CB, no corrections. Motion to approve by Sam KG9NG, seconded by Matt NM9O. No objections.

Treasurer's report

Checking Balance $7290.28
Recent transactions include dues received.

VE Report

Hamfest had 4 candidates - 2 Tech, 1 General, 1 Extra. Kudos to the Extra as he ended up taking an outdated exam, then the correct version and passed.

We continue to look for a replacement VE Coordinator. Contact Ron K2VB or Sam KG9NG

Field Day Committee Report

Badger Prairie Park has been reserved for Field Day June 24-25.  Special Event Permit needs to be submitted. Matt, NM9O, will be doing such. Nicholas, KB9SKW, has several additional names to add to the fdops list of those who plan to participate.


May meeting will be on Zoom, look for an announcement on QST.

The regular FLARC Meeting in June will be at the park (June 20)

It is possible we will  go to in-person meeting in July at Space Place. Look for announcements.

Old Business

Call for nominations was made for President, Vice President and Secretary, but none offered. 


Motion to close meeting by Matt NM9O, seconded by Nicholas KB9SKW.

Meeting adjourned at 20:57