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December 2014, General Membership Meeting

Called to order at 19:31 by Frederick W9GOC

Minutes read by Matt NM9O, one clarification.

Treasurers Report

$1673, 49 members.

Carolyn NQ9A operated in the ARRL 10M contest, 64 contacts. Good propagation. Europe, Central America, Morocco.
She also operated in the last CQ WW CW contest.
Brad also operated.

VE Report
Dec 6: 3 tech, 2 general.
Starting to see some expired licenses getting renewed.

Tech Class

Jan 31, Feb 1, 2015.

Fox Hunts
There should be a Fox Hunt on the 27th of December. 15:00.

Old Business
Budget proposal, Betsy WN9GOC moved to resume the budget discussion, seconded by Thomas AC9BJ.
Need to adopt a balanced budget. Removed the Holiday Party.
This year: $300 to rent the room, dinner was $260.
Still need to resolve liability insurance issues.
Mike KD9BDL suggested the establishment he manages, just have to order off the menu. Several other establishments will do that as well.
Thomas moved that we remove the holiday party, if we decide to have a party later we can establish it.
Passed with no dissent.

Michael KD9BDL moved that we approve the budget as presented, seconded by Matt NM9O, passed.

New Business
Nominees for the board in 2015:

Frederick W9GOC

Vice President:
Ron K2VB
Nicholas KB9KSW


Matt NM9O

Board at Large:
Thomas AC9BJ
Betsy WN9GOC
Eldon NK9U

Carolyn NQ9A motioned to end nominations until the next meeting, seconded by Thomas AC9BJ.

Buck Night
Chuck picked 13, KB9SKW. Abraham Lincoln.

Winter Field Day
Quick update on status and information

** Announcmenet**
Mike KD9BDL, tri county ham fest.
Jan 10 Waukesha Ham Fest.