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Called to order at 19:30 by Frederick W9GOC

Read by Andy AC9CB, correction - Guest Andrew's suffix is NMN.

Treasurers Report
Andy AC9CB, $5199.45
Recent transactions include Buck Night replenishment, dues received and Field Day gas reimbursement.

Kevin KD9NMR
Andrew KD9NMN

Steve, KD9MWZ made his first DX contact at Field Day - Ontario
Dan Henney, N9EAZ got his 13 Colonies certificate - completed all in one day on phone
Stuart AC9LZ recently worked NU5DE - a Texas Naturist community

Trevor, K3TRE - is now General.  He recently went to Iceland and used his new reciprocal privileges, but was unable to make any contacts via the repeaters

VE Report
Sept 7 - 2 Extras, 1 General and 4 Technician
Sat Oct 5th is our next exam session

Technician Class
Scheduled for November 9 and 10th

Fox Hunt recap
Started 7PM.  Brad was hiding with Carolyn.  Paul and Matthew showed up first at 8:39.  Two more teams showed up a bit later, Trevor gave up and all went to Culvers.
The fox was hiding at the Monona Golf Course parking lot

The Ride is this coming Sunday - Kyle Schaefer has an open request for radio operators to assist.  Roster was sent out today, but there are always opportunities to fill in.

A thank you was received from the Bike the Barns for our assistance during their event this past weekend.

Second Annual Wisconsin Parks on the Air will be on this Saturday 11am - 6pm.  There are 72 entities that are eligible to be activated.  Thomas Baden is activating Blue Mounds State Park.  Dan Henney is activating Aztalan State Park as W9A.  Matt and Barry will also be activating various parks.

Superfest coming to Milwaukee - Friday and Saturday the 27th and 28th of September

Belvedere Hamfest is Sunday, September 29th

49 Build is scheduled for September 29th but may be rescheduled

Fox Cities swapfest is Sunday November 3rd - new location in Kaukauna.

Buck Night
Trevor K3TRE has a new shiny Abraham Lincoln

Jeff, KC9UNZ presented on WIRES-X

Called to order at 19:30 by Frederick W9GOC.

Read by Andy AC9CB, no corrections.

Treasurer's Report
Checking Balance: $4,914.51

Recent Income:
Dues (February 20th Counter Deposit)
Dues (March 12th PayPal Transfer)

Recent Expenses:
WFD Generator Gas
2019 Website Hosting
Thank You Card
PayPal Fees

Pending Expenses:
2018 Website Hosting

I would like to close 2018 finances soon. Please be sure to submit any receipts for reimbursement.

KB9NIV - Dick
KD9MFZ - John, recently licensed Technician, got interested with using DMR system at work
KD9MRB - Eric, Technician at start of the month, here to learn more. Grandfather was into Amateur Radio. Has Kenwood TS-850 in parent's basement
KD9MRD - Chuck, Inspired by FLARC in the 1960s and a Novice. Came to meet folks
KD9MKM - Fritz, just got his General, no radio yet.
Daniel Arndt, representing himself in regards to food for hamfests/events

Nick, KD9MIF contacted New Zealand on Saturday - 6:30AM. Was hearing Australia on 40M SSB and caught a TW call.
Matt, KD9DZT contacted Last Man Standing station via D-Star. Today, Uganda and Togo
Tom Pugh - 40M reached Eastern Europe from Florida

WI QSO Party
4 people participated
Sam reports band conditions were pretty good

Call sign changes and upgrades
Nick, KD9MIF - New Extra this month!!!

VE Report
3 Technician, 1 General and 2 Extra at March session

Upcoming classes
At least 20 people are signed up for the Technician class which will be the last weekend of March - 30-31. We will take all comers, so please

Tom Pugh - Has taken volunteer coordination for Horribly Hilly Hundreds - June 15th in Western Dane and Iowa Counties. Please contact Tom Pugh, W9TDP or the club if interested. Equipment is available if you need to borrow.

Sam, Tour de Cure. 27 July. Looking for help as well. Quite a bit flatter course.

Bike the Barns will be happening September 15th (Sunday), but we will not know where it will happen until a bit closer to the event.

MARA Hamfest - April 13, doors open at 8 to noon. Tables are still available. Danny will have food available. VE Testing at 10am.

This Saturday there is a Hamfest in Milwaukee at the Elks Club across from HRO. Doors likely

Buck Night
KA9SRM - Gary

Dano's Chef Service - Daniel Arndt local private chef from Stoughton would like to provide service for Field Day and open for other events. Currently catering for the MARA hamfest.
Question - Can you accommodate vegetarian meals? Yes, can do options.
How many meals - Betsy replied Dinner and smaller Breakfast
Funding - over past few years we have asked for $7 per participant to cover costs. Prior to that the club had covered costs fully.
Dano will work on a couple options and get in touch regarding.

Q&A Session
KD9MRD - Question on safety of radio in a car
WA9D - May be doing an antenna party in the near future
KD9MRD - Just put up antenna with wife and had some interesting time communicating how a guy wire works

Looking to get into Amateur Radio?  Need help studying for your Technician exam?  Mark off March 30th and 31st, 2019 on your calendar and join us for a Tech Class.  There is no cost for the class, and you will have an opportunity to take the exam after the class on Sunday!  See the Four Lakes Amateur Radio website for full details.

February 24 & 25, 2018

Registration for this class is REQUIRED
Please contact Paulette Quick by
email : (subject: Tech Class)
or phone : (608) 255-0639 to register.

As a Licensed Amateur Radio Operator You Get To:
Serve Your Community
Become a weather spotter - SKYWARN!
Meet New Friends
Have Your Own Individual FCC Callsign

The UW Space Place and FLARC will be holding a weekend course where YOU will learn everything you need to earn your Amateur Radio Technician license.
You don't need to learn Morse Code for any Ham license!

This class is Saturday and Sunday, February 24-25, 2018, 8am-5pm.
2300 S. Park Street, in the Villager Mall lower level.

This is FREE to you, thanks to our sponsoring organizations!

For more information please contact Paulette Quick, (subject: Tech Class), (608) 255-0639
ARRL, The national association for Amateur Radio --
Helping Hams Get Started Since 1914.