Lloyd N9LB presented on Low Frequency Radio Communications
Business meeting
Called to order by Sam KG9NG at 20:15
Recap of Fox Hunt
Thomas WN1C provided this update:
Thomas AC9BJ was the fox and located himself at the Ice Age Trail near 5 Points in Verona.
The first team to locate the fox was WN1C and KK6HJI at 19:57
KB9SKW and W9GZO located the fox at 20:23
KF9AQ using his scanner found the fox as well.
NM9O caught up with the others at Culvers around 10pm local.
Treasurer's report
Recent transactions include payments for Field Day park rental, website hosting, and DFI Annual Report.
Checking Balance is $7030.10
Passed without objection
VE Report
At the regular session on September 2nd there were 4 candidates, leaving with 3 technicians and 1 general.
Technician Class
A Technician Class will be held October 21-22. We have several folks already signed up. If you are interested, contact Paulette - See Tech Class for details
Field Day Report
Band conditions were so/so. Picnic was well received. The event was appreciated by at least one new ham in attendance.
Winter Field Day planning - contact Matt NM9O
Holiday Party? If you are interested and would be willing to coordinate, contact Board members.
Call for Club Officers. If you are interested in helping to run FLARC, contact the Board
Badger Challenge is looking for assistance this Sunday - trying to fill SAG and other positions. Contact Kyle, KC9SDK
Fox Cities ARC is hosting their swap fest on November 5th and sent a couple tickets to FLARC. These will be up for grabs at the next meeting.
HRO Superfest is this weekend in Milwaukee.
The next FLARC meeting will be October 17th at Space Place and Zoom.
Meeting adjourned at 20:30