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November 2019 General Membership Meeting

Called to order at 19:30 by Frederick W9GOC

Read by Andy AC9CB, no corrections

Treasurers Report
Andy AC9CB, reports $5,214.45 in our accounts
Recent transactions include dues received.

Pam Klas N9WPM, wife of Jim.  Tech for about 25 years, originally obtained on a bet.  Recently picked up again and having a blast with D-Star talking around the world.

Trevor K3TRE - Made his first DX contact! - OM2VL in Slovenia on 40M with an attic antenna.

Matt KD9DZT worked Pitcairn Islands - 17M and 15M. Also, San Andreas - 17M CW, 15M CW, 15M SSB, and 17M SSB

Barry K8SD worked 5T5AR in Mauritania on 5 different bands, CW, FT8 and SSB


VE Report
November 2nd Session - 3 Tech, 1 General

November 10th Session - No attendees

Winter Field Day
Upcoming soon.  Will be at Town of Christiana Town Hall.  Last Weekend in January - 25th and 26th.  Snow or not!

Summer Field Day
Badger Prairie County Park in Verona is reserved for June

Meteor Scatter opportunity - Thursday, November 21st ~9:30pm (good site to look for meteor work is  Mostly 6M and 2M, but also 220mhz, and possibly 10M.  Mode is MSK144.  Look to the east or south-east.

Holiday Party - December 3rd 7pm to 8:30pm - Attic Angel Community Room
Please complete the Doodle poll or see Andy to RSVP

Nominations for the FLARC board will be open in December and January.  Elections will happen at the January meeting.

Dues for 2020 can be paid now.  See Andy or the website for membership forms.

Paulette is retiring on January 3rd

New Business
Budget Presentation by Andy AC9CB.  We will vote on the proposed budget in December.

Steven KD9MWZ - Question on when we will be holding a General Class.  Answer: we will be looking to hold a class potentially in the first part of the year.  There are two interested here tonight.  We typically want 7 participants, so please recruit friends.

Buck Night
Steven Timm KD9MWZ - Sacagawea

K8SD Barry - Yagi Antenna building and MMANA-GAL Basic Antenna Modeling