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FLARC General Meeting Minutes – Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Meeting at Space Place and Zoom

Called to order at 19:31 by Steve W9GZO

Introductions & Guests

John, N6WIS
Don, K2PD
Larry, KD9VTR

Review of August Meeting Minutes

Correction to Thomas's award for ARRL January 2024 VHF contest.

VE Report

There was a VE Session in September, 1 General (and Technician), 3 Technicians

Upcoming Opportunities
Old Business

FLARC Equipment Inventory & Tracking

New Business

Open Positions: Secretary, Member at large, VE Liaison, Equipment Tracking Manager

Holiday Party Planning - Tentatively December 3rd. Contact Steve W9GZO or Ann KD9ZUE if you are interested in assisting with the planning.

Winter Field Day Planning Team - Previous years have been at Christiana Town Hall. Matt NM9O will be sending a note out to QST to coordinate.

Summer Field day Planning Team - Reservations open in November for the Dane County Parks and end of June is very popular, so getting reservation in is important.  We have been at Badger Prairie Park in Verona for over 15 years, it has shelter, bathrooms, water, ample parking and plenty of space to setup antennas. 
If you have recommendations for other locations, please discuss on the QST list. Otherwise we will proceed with making a reservation at Badger Prairie.


Wednesday, September 25th at 7pm will be in-person ARES meeting at the Dane County EOC. Contact Jeff KC9UNZ if you are interested. Program will be getting started with ARES and some event review

Program for September Meeting - Being prepared for remote activation - Tom Pugh W9TDP


Adjournment of Meeting

Adjourned at 20:58

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