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July 2017, General Membership Meeting

Called to order @ 19:33 by Frederick W9GOC

Treasurers Report


Read by Matt NM9O, no corrections

What is/was NPOTA? National Wildlife Refuge Week.

K9FWF, 2nd largest hamfest at the Dayton Hamcation.
Ingrid, callsign pending, just passed her technician test. Hopes to one day get involved with emergency services.

Jeff KC9UNZ and Carolyn NQ9A talked about local ARES groups and contacting them and activities.

Alfonso Morales, looking for local help to get on the air.


Eldon NK9U 40th Anniversary to joining the ARRL.

VE Report
July 1: 4 tech, 4 general
Next VE session is August 5th.

Question of the Day
Andy AC9CB has a card to sign thanking Cambridge EMS.


August 15, Annual Fox Hunt starting at 19:00 First Business Bank Parking Lot, on Charmony Ln.
2M FM 146.565 MHz. Doug has Yagi Antennas that people can use.

Tech Class
No date yet, but September is when it should be happening.

Buck Night
Jeff KC9UNZ, wins a James Buchanen.

Field Day.