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Called to order at 19:30 by Frederick W9GOC.

Read by Andy AC9CB, no corrections.

Treasurer's Report
Checking Balance: $4,914.51

Recent Income:
Dues (February 20th Counter Deposit)
Dues (March 12th PayPal Transfer)

Recent Expenses:
WFD Generator Gas
2019 Website Hosting
Thank You Card
PayPal Fees

Pending Expenses:
2018 Website Hosting

I would like to close 2018 finances soon. Please be sure to submit any receipts for reimbursement.

KB9NIV - Dick
KD9MFZ - John, recently licensed Technician, got interested with using DMR system at work
KD9MRB - Eric, Technician at start of the month, here to learn more. Grandfather was into Amateur Radio. Has Kenwood TS-850 in parent's basement
KD9MRD - Chuck, Inspired by FLARC in the 1960s and a Novice. Came to meet folks
KD9MKM - Fritz, just got his General, no radio yet.
Daniel Arndt, representing himself in regards to food for hamfests/events

Nick, KD9MIF contacted New Zealand on Saturday - 6:30AM. Was hearing Australia on 40M SSB and caught a TW call.
Matt, KD9DZT contacted Last Man Standing station via D-Star. Today, Uganda and Togo
Tom Pugh - 40M reached Eastern Europe from Florida

WI QSO Party
4 people participated
Sam reports band conditions were pretty good

Call sign changes and upgrades
Nick, KD9MIF - New Extra this month!!!

VE Report
3 Technician, 1 General and 2 Extra at March session

Upcoming classes
At least 20 people are signed up for the Technician class which will be the last weekend of March - 30-31. We will take all comers, so please

Tom Pugh - Has taken volunteer coordination for Horribly Hilly Hundreds - June 15th in Western Dane and Iowa Counties. Please contact Tom Pugh, W9TDP or the club if interested. Equipment is available if you need to borrow.

Sam, Tour de Cure. 27 July. Looking for help as well. Quite a bit flatter course.

Bike the Barns will be happening September 15th (Sunday), but we will not know where it will happen until a bit closer to the event.

MARA Hamfest - April 13, doors open at 8 to noon. Tables are still available. Danny will have food available. VE Testing at 10am.

This Saturday there is a Hamfest in Milwaukee at the Elks Club across from HRO. Doors likely

Buck Night
KA9SRM - Gary

Dano's Chef Service - Daniel Arndt local private chef from Stoughton would like to provide service for Field Day and open for other events. Currently catering for the MARA hamfest.
Question - Can you accommodate vegetarian meals? Yes, can do options.
How many meals - Betsy replied Dinner and smaller Breakfast
Funding - over past few years we have asked for $7 per participant to cover costs. Prior to that the club had covered costs fully.
Dano will work on a couple options and get in touch regarding.

Q&A Session
KD9MRD - Question on safety of radio in a car
WA9D - May be doing an antenna party in the near future
KD9MRD - Just put up antenna with wife and had some interesting time communicating how a guy wire works

Called to order at 19:30 by Frederick W9GOC.

Read by Thomas AC9BJ, two corrections.

Treasurer's Report
Checking Balance: $4,903.50

Recent Income:
Dues (February 4th PayPal Transfer)
Dues (February 18th Deposit)

Recent Expenses:
2019 Liability Insurance
PayPal Fees

Pending Expenses:
2018 Website Hosting

I would like to close 2018 finances soon. Please be sure to submit any receipts for reimbursement.

Nick KD9MIF - new ham
Kyle KC9SDK - Wisconsin Section Emergency Coordinator, also President of WECOMM

Mathew T contacted South Africa on 20M SSB - first time contacting.
- Also picked up Guantanamo Bay during winter field day
Barry K8SD contacted Guam.
Sam KG9NG went to Quartzite. At Quartzite, Icom gave away an IC-9700 because there were over 1,000 hams on-site.
Kyle picked up some SSTV from the ISS this past weekend. - an image from the Hubble telescope, one from the Mars lander, and one of the space shuttle. It takes about 180 seconds to receive an image.

Call sign changes and upgrades
Fritz is now KD9MKM - Technician class

VE Report
1 Technician and 1 Extra
Next session is March 2nd

Winter Field Day
Setup went well.
There were two end-fed half-waves in a perpendicular configuration.
Only four stations this time, in a diamond configuration so people could see each other.
There were visitors of varying ages and licensures.
All of the radios were operated off a battery rather than a generator - approximately two-thirds of the battery was consumed.
Lessons learned will be applied to Summer Field Day.
There was a magnetic whiteboard used for sign-in and in/out tracking.
Band conditions were "OK", but we made roughly the same number of contacts as last year.
There was a noise generator which was located and shut off, which improved the noise floor.
We like the Christiana Town Hall very much.

Upcoming Classes
The last weekend of March - 30-31 - there will probably be a Technician Class class, as there has been sufficient interest expressed.

The MARA D-STAR repeater's hard drive failed. After a full re-install, the repeater is now back on. 145.305 is the frequency.
If you have registered to the MARA D-STAR repeater, please do not re-register; your information is in the cloud.
Yaesu Fusion is available on the 147.150 repeater, but it's not on the network.
The next MARA meeting is March 11, in the UW Space Place at 19:30. Seating is available.

The Wisconsin ARES/RACES annual conference is October 19th.
The same venue as last year in the McMillin Public Library in Wisconsin Rapids.

Tricounty Ham Fest March 17th, 2019
April 13, MARA Hamfest, Stoughton
The MARA vendor form is now available.

Buck Night
Eldon NK9U, James Madison

Video on the 2015 K1N Navassa Island DXpedition

Called to order at 19:31 by Frederick W9GOC.

Read by Matt NM9O, no additions or corrections.

Fritz Yates, from Stoughton, working on his technician.
Jim KF9VV, retired broadcast engineer, mostly HF, mostly CW
Ray K0AKA, formerly of Denver, also from Michigan.
N9EAZ, new member.

Thomas AC9BJ, and Matt NM9O acquired IC-7300's

Winter Field Day, January 26, 27, 2019.
Town Of Christiana
773 Koshkonong Road
Cambridge, WI 53523

Tricounty Ham Fest March 17th, 2019
April 13, MARA Hamfest, Stoughton new MARA website.

Jeff KC9UNZ, FLARC Ham of the Year.


Matt NM9O nominates Jeff KC9UNZ to be on the board.
Jeff KC9UNZ nominates KD9DZT for President.

President: Frederick W9GOC
Vice-President: Thomas AC9BJ
Treasurer: Andy AC9CB
Secretary: Matt NM9O

Board members at large: Barry K8SD, Bob WA9D, Jeff KC9UNZ

Buck Night
Jeff KC9UNZ, George Washington

Thomas AC9BJ, Barry K8SD
"Your first contest"

Called to order at 19:30 by Frederick W9GOC

Read by Thomas AC9BJ, no additions or corrections.

Treasurers Report
$4820.70 Balance

Recent Income
$345.00 Dues
$3.00 Donation
$63.00 Holiday Party

Recent Expenses
$6.91 Paypal Fees
$230.00 Park Rental
$45.82 Awards
$10.00 Attic Angel

Noelia KD9KRR
Noelia's Mom with a Driver's License

The Wisconsin QSO Party sent Carolyn NQ9A and Steve N9CK a 2nd place certificate for 2018.

VE report
December: 2 general, 5 tech
Next one is January 5th.

Field Day
Winter Field Day is happening on January 26th and 27th.  It's a great opportunity to get on the air.

March 30-31, 2019 Technician Class
Maybe we can engage the website to solicit interest in a General Class class.

Special event station W7Q will be operating from the Quartzite Convention in the last full week of January.  Approximately 300 Hams in RVs operating off-grid in Arizona, surrounded by 7,000 non-Ham RVs.
The Waukesha MidWinter Hamfest is on January 5th in the Waukesha County Expo Center.
Wisconsin QSO Party is in March.
Jefferson Swapfest is in March.

2019 Budget
Club Treasurer Andy AC9CB presented the 2019 budget for approval.
Passed unanimously.

2019 Board Nominations
President: Frederick W9GOC
Vice-President: Thomas AC9BJ
Treasurer: Andy AC9CB
Secretary: Matt NM9O
Board Members At Large: Bob WA9D, Eldon NK9U, Barry K8SD

Buck Night
Noelia KD9KRR - Dwight Eisenhower

Call to order by 19:37 by Frederick W9GOC

Read by Matt NM9O, no additions or corrections.

Treasurers Report

There is now a form on the website to renew or apply for Membership.

Jessie Glaeser KD9IXF
David Glaeser KD9IQP
Carry Dubisz KC9KCU
Chris Wilson KD9KJV
Mike Buchanan KD9LLE
Robin KD9LVA

VE report
November: 1 general, 1 tech
Next one is December 1st

Field Day
Winter Field Day

March 30-31, 2019 Technician Class

Holiday Party, December 4, 19:00 - 21:00

New Business
2019 Budget
We are now accepting payments via paypal online.

Buck Night
Mike KD9LLE - James Polk

Looking to get into Amateur Radio?  Need help studying for your Technician exam?  Mark off March 30th and 31st, 2019 on your calendar and join us for a Tech Class.  There is no cost for the class, and you will have an opportunity to take the exam after the class on Sunday!  See the Four Lakes Amateur Radio website for full details.

Fellow FLARCians!

There will not be a general membership meeting this month. Instead we will be
holding the annual foxhunt. Start time is 19:00 at 401 Charmany Ln, the east
end of the First Business Bank building parking lot.
The fox will be on 146.465MHz.

The repeater for this will be the 147.150+ pl 123.0.
We look forward to seeing you there!

Called to order at 19:30 by Frederick W9GOC.

Minutes read by Matt NM9O, no additions or corrections.

Treasurers Report



Mike Buchanen, recent Tech KD9LLE.
Vance KD9GLP, worked 40M at Field Day with us.

Awards & Bragging

Matt NM9O, got the high score for the VA QSO Party from Wisconsin on the 40M band.
Thomas AC9BJ, let us know that Ted Gisske, had a beer named after him at the Grumpy Troll, "Ted".

VE Report

July, 2 tech, 2 general. First session with new technician question call.
Next VE session is August 4th.

Fox Hunt

401 Charmony Ln, east side of parking lot.
Starting time at 19:00.


Nothing is planned at this time, the plan is to plan for a technician class in September.


ARRL Midwest Division Convention, Aug 4-5, 2018, north of Cedar Rapids, IA "mini Dayton"


Buck Night

Eldon NK9U won an Abraham Lincoln.