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W9XT Gary on Antenna takeoff angles, terrain effects and modeling

Business meeting

Called to order by Sam KG9NG at 20:24

January 17, 2023 minutes read by Andy AC9CB, no corrections

Treasurer's report

Checking Balance $7660.28
Recent transactions include dues payments received
Our previous insurance carrier stopped offering business line of insurance. We shopped several and selected AmFam subsidiary USLI at $395/year and proceeding with this option


Lloyd made contacts to the Caribbean

Field Day Committee Report

There was participation for Winter Field Day - Thomas AC9BJ made several hundred contacts.
Reservation has been made for Badger Prairie Park. More details to come


Wisconsin QSO Party is coming in 3 weeks - March 12. See the West Allis Radio Amateur Club website for more details. Everyone is encouraged to get on.

Tri-county Hamfest coming up in Jefferson March 19th

MARA Hamfest is returning April 15th in Stoughton. They are looking for volunteers to assist

New Business

Call for nominations was made for President and Secretary, but none offered. 

Next meeting will be via Zoom with an in-person option for a few attendees. Contact Sam or Nicholas if you are interested in attending. Please encourage your ham friends to join us on the Zoom. Topic is to be determined

Motion to close meeting by Thomas AC9BJ, seconded by Nicholas KB9SKW.

Meeting adjourned at 20:38


Open discussion on how you have been getting on the air.

New Member introduction - Steve Ujvarosy previously WA9GZO. Formerly from the West Allis area, studying to pass his license exam in February and interested in 2m operating to get back into things.

SPARC Station

SPARC Station at UW Space Place recent upgrades

Nicholas's HF radio died, he is going to work with Sam to borrow one indefinitely.

Business meeting

Called to order by Sam KG9NG at 20:01

December 20, 2022 minutes read by Sam KG9NG, several corrections made

Treasurer's report

Checking Balance $7009.79
PayPal Balance $514.67
Recent transactions include dues payments received

VE Report

Passed exams: 3 Technician and 4 General
Next session on February 4th at Space Place

Ron K2VB is stepping down as VE Liaison, if interested in filling this role please contact Sam at, Ron or Frederick


Thomas AB1YW was awarded Gold Parks on the Air Activator while traveling across 5 states in the cold

Field Day Committee Report

Winter Field Day is coming up and we encourage at-home participation, listing FLARC as your affiliation


Contact Mark Bellazzini N9WIB if you would like to information on how to join the Madison Area Hams Discord

New Business

Jeff presented procedures for voting using online form

Sam recommended for ballots to be returned by midnight Saturday

Nominations from December:


Vice President

Andy AC9CB


Board Member at Large
Paulette WB9VHF
Nicholas KB9SKW
Thomas AB1YW

Andy AC9CB moves to reopen nominations. Jeff KC9UNZ seconded

Thomas AB1YW nominated for Vice President by Nicholas KB9SKW, accepted contingent on President being nominated

Ted K9IMM nominated for President by Nicholas KB9SKW, Ted was not present to accept

Gary KA9SRM nominated for President by Sam KG9NG, declined
Gary KA9SRM nominated by Sam KG9NG, declined

It was generally determined that not enough membership was present to continue nominations.

Jeff KC9UNZ moved to proceed with election of Treasurer and Board Members at Large with other officer elections to occur after the February meeting where nominations can continue.  Seconded by Nicholas KB9SKW

Discussion on what “Saturday midnight” means. Jeff moves to close voting at 11:59 pm on Saturday. Seconded by Thomas AB1YW, passed.

Motion to close meeting by Nicholas KB9SKW, seconded by Jeff KC9UNZ.

Meeting adjourned at 20:38


WRTC 2014 video

Business meeting

Called to order by: Thomas AC9BJ  

November 15, 2022 minutes read by: Thomas AC9BJ  

Treasurer's report

Several dues payments received, but don't have specific figure in front of me tonight

Budget proposal presented second time
No further questions received since initial presentation last month, no discussion tonight.
Andy AC9CB moved to accept proposed budget
Lloyd N9LB seconded
Motion passed

VE Report

11 candidates including a commercial group that had read a 2-3 year old manual which led to a high number of failures
6 new licenses
12th candidate was turned away as they did not have an FRN.
There were more candidates than VEs this month!
Ron K2VB is stepping down as VE Liaison, if interested in filling this role please contact Sam at


Lloyd N9LB got written up in QST's VHF and Above column in both November (page 89) and December (page 84) for activity on 6m

Larry KD9VTR got his first FT8 contact with Argentina

Thomas AB1YM - Blog post written up on 10m QRP contest activities - 125 QSOs, 1 dupe, 39 multipliers. Heard stations as far as Australia and Alaska

Thomas AB1YW will be Summits on the Air in Ohio tomorrow then moving on to Kentucky and Maine

Field Day Committee Report

The Field Day committee is using same COVID criteria (Green CDC status) as we have been evaluating the general meeting. At this time we are not meeting this, so will not have in-person Winter Field Day but encourage at-home participation and list FLARC affiliation

New Business

Sam KG9NG moved to open nominations for board
Paulette WB9VHF seconded

Thomas AC9CB nominated by Gary KA9SRM, declined

Vice President

Andy AC9CB nominated by Sam KG9NG, accepted

Nicholas KB9SKW nominated by Sam KG9NG, declined

Board Member at Large
Paulette WB9VHF by Sam KG9NG, accepted
Nicholas KB9SKW by Thomas AC9BJ, accepted
Sam KG9NG by Paulette W9VHF, accepted
Thomas AB1YW by Nicholas KB9SKW, accepted

Nominations closed for this month - Nicholas KB9SKW moved, ? seconded


Silent Key
Joe Imilkowski W9CWD has passed. He was quite the character helping with numerous public events using his smart car and motor scooter. His obituary is expected in the next day or so.

Meeting adjourned at 7:51


Presenter:  Dave Olean, K1WHS

Topic: Antenna Stacking with a lively discussion to follow including EME, antenna placement and selecting a good beginner station.

Business Meeting

Called to order by: Thomas AC9BJ  

Sept. 20, 2022 minutes read by: Carolyn NQ9A

Treasurer’s Report:. $6,895.54 includes recent payment for Zoom subscription. We will have a budget presentation next month in advance of vote in December. Renewals for dues will be available both online and via mail starting in November.

VE session: 2 candidates successfully received technician licenses at the Oct. 1st session. Next VE testing session is Sat Nov. 5, 2022 at Space Place

Guests: WE9R, Lyle
KD9VTR, Larry


During a rare opening in August, Lloyd N9LB worked KL7HBA in Alaska on 6m. This was the final state for Lloyd to complete his Worked All States for 6m. His accomplishment was highlighted in the ARRL's QST "The World Above 50Mhz" column

Upcoming Hamfests and Conventions


Madison Area Hams Discord Server -. If you need an invite you can e-mail Marc. N9WIB. 

FLARC General Meeting Minutes Tuesday. Sept. 20, 2022 via Zoom

Program-  Sept. 20 , 2022 Meeting

Presenter :  Carl Luetzelschwab, K9LA

Topic : Low band propagation and the advantages of digital modes like JT65 and FT8 over SSB and CW.

Business Meeting:

Called to order  by: Thomas AC9BJ  

Meeting Minutes   recorded by :Carolyn NQ9A

July 19 , 2022   minutes read by: Carolyn NQ9A-

Treasurer’s Report:. $7053.69 includes dues received

VE Report – none

VE session -next VE session next  is Sat Oct. 1, 2022

Guests or non-members: none

Announcements :

Report on August Fox hunt: Thomas AC9BJ was the hider at  8:45 pm  , no one had found the foxhunt, so it  terminated for the evening. No winner .

Public Service Events-

  • Chicago Marathon – Sunday October 9, 2022 -if you are interested in volunteering for ham radio communications contact Tom Pierce WA9CBR email :

Upcoming hamfests –

  • can look online for the ARRL upcoming hamfests:

Upcoming Conventions:


Madison Area Hams Discord Server -. If you need an invite you can e-mail Marc. N9WIB. 

Upcoming FLARC Meetings and Programs Scheduled for 2022 :

October 18th , 2022 --  David. Olean K1WHS  will do a presentation ]on maximizing performance when stacking multiple VHF antennas on one mast.


The September membership meeting is approaching. Please join us on September 20th in welcoming Carl Luetzelschwab, K9LA, to our club. He will be presenting on low band propagation and the advantages of digital modes like JT65 and FT8 over SSB and CW.

Carl has a long and storied history in amateur radio. He received his novice license in 1961 and has been interested in propagation since attending Purdue University and graduating with a Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering in 1969 and a Master's Degree in Electrical Engineering in 1972. After school he worked as an RF design engineer for Motorola and Raytheon designing solid state RF power amplifiers.

You may remember his name and call sign from the pages of CQ magazine, where he wrote the monthly Practical Propagation column and continues writing to this day publishing his work online. In 2016 he was appointed ARRL Central Division Vice Director and moved up to Director in 2021. He has served as National Contest Journal editor from 2002 until 2007 and has also published in QST and other publications.

As always we will have the meeting room open early, stop by and chat with other members beforehand. The program will start at 7:30 with a question and answer session for Carl to follow. After this we will have our normal business meeting, discussing activities, events and so forth.

If you would like to attend our Zoom meeting, please email us at and we will be happy to send you an invitation.

Nicholas Lager, KB9SKW

FLARC General Meeting Minutes Tuesday July 19, 2022 via Zoom


Program-  July19, 2022 Meeting –- Program :Portable operating  Presenters : Kevin Shea  N9JKP    Chuck K9KNR    Thomas AB1YW will talk about their portable operating  

Program by :Paulette Quick WB9VHF


Business Meeting:

Called to order  by: Thomas AC9BJ

Meeting Minutes   recorded by :Carolyn NQ9A

May 17, 2022   minutes read by: Carolyn NQ9A-

Treasurer’s Report:. 7, 033 69. Dues Payment system is currently broken and is being worked on . There is. information on what to do in the mean time

Guests.: None

Non members:  None

VE sessions: –report  next one is Sat. Aug 6, 2022

Previous VE sessions report:

June 4th, 2022 : - no information currently

July 2nd, 2022:  2 person and both had  license upgrades

Announcements :

Classes: The Technician Class scheduled for  - Saturday August 6th and  Sunday August 7th has been cancelled due to not enough pariticipants

FLARC Annual Fox Hunt – Tuesday August 16, 2022 7pm

This will be a driving hunt (no on-foot component).


The start point is the east end of the parking lot at 401 Charmany Lane.  The transmitter will be somewhere within an eight-mile radius of the start point.


We will be transmitting fifteen consecutive seconds of every minute, on 146.565 MHz FM, until all teams have found us, or 9pm, whichever comes first.  After the conclusion of the hunt, we will adjourn to a nearby Culver's for frozen custard and the customary swapping of lies.


If you have room for passengers in your vehicle, or wish to be a passenger in somebody else's vehicle, then please arrive at the start point around 6:30 to allow time to sort that out, or make arrangements beforehand.



Thomas- AB1YW  parks on the air summer sport 2 activations this past weekend ----

Thomas Will be operating in  Halifax, Nova Scotia,  early part of August –see information on the  discord server -  mobile internet –parks around Halifax     Fiber glass - --


Matt  NM9O got some  wall paper but has not opened the envelope to see what it is

Public Service Events-

Dairyland Dare Sat. Aug 6.   Contact  looking for volunteers – Luke Ziobro


Chicago Marathon – Sunday October 9, 2022 -if you are interested in volunteering for ham radio communications contact Tom pierce WA9CBR   email :

Bike the Barns  contact- Jeff KC9UNZ

Horribly Hilly Hundred bike ride –in June - went well staffed

Upcoming hamfests – can look online for the ARRL upcoming hamfests:

Upcoming Conventions:

Central States convention  -VHF  convention Lacrosse, WI   July 22-23h



Friday, September 16th, 2022 (DX & Contest Universities)
Saturday, September 17th, 2022 (W9DXCC Convention & Banquet)


Madison Area Hams Discord Server -. If you need an invite you can e-mail Marc. N9WIB. 



Upcoming FLARC Meetings and Programs Scheduled for 2022 :


August 16, 2022 -Annual Fox Hunt -see above  

FLARC General Meeting Minutes Tuesday May 17, 2022 via Zoom

Program-    May 17, 2022 Meeting Bruce Richardson W9FZ/R "Getting Started in VHF Roving"

Rover talk Resources:

Power Point

Business Meeting:

Called to order  by: Sam KG9NG

Meeting Minutes   recorded by :Carolyn NQ9A

April 19 2022   minutes read by: Carolyn NQ9A-

Treasurer’s Report:. none  


VE session Report for -May 7th,2022  -There very good turnout with 12 people coming to take tests with licensed issued for Technician, general and extra -Several people passed both their Technician and General tests.

Classes: There will be a Technician Class held - Saturday August 6th and  Sunday August 7th with a VE session after  contact Paulette Quick WB9VHF

Announcements :

Public Service Events:   

Horribly Hilly Hundred biking event  on June 18, 2022  -Tom W9TDP still looking for a couple ham radio operators  for communications-  contact Tom Pugh W9TDP:

 Upcoming hamfests –You  can look online for the ARRL upcoming hamfests:

Upcoming Conventions:

Central States convention  -VHF  convention Lacrosse, WI   July 22-23h

Dayton  Hamvention

  • Four Days in May QRP at the Dayton Hamvention May 20-22, Dayton, Ohio
  • Contest University at the Dayton Hamvention  Thursday May 18th from 7:00 AM to 5:00 PM

Madison Area Hams Discord Server -. If you need an invite you can e-mail Marc. N9WIB. 

Upcoming FLARC Meetings and Programs Scheduled for 2022 :

June  21, 2022 Fox hunt on foot –No general meeting this month . There will be a fox hunt on foot at Badger Prairie Park lead by Nicholas Lager KB9SKW . Two transmitters will be hidden.

July 19 2022 Meeting –- Program :Portable operating  Presenters : Kevin Shea  N9JKP, Chuck  Cushing K9KNR and  Thomas  Murphy AB1YW will talk about their portable operating  

August 16, 2022 -Annual Fox Hunt -in cars-  no general meeting this month

In lieu of a regular June meeting, FLARC generally meets at Badger Prairie County Park to discuss last minute Field Day issues. We are not hosting a Field Day this year but that does not mean we will not be meeting at Badger Prairie.

Instead join FLARC at the park on Tuesday June 21st for an on foot transmitter hunt!

This transmitter hunt will demonstrate basic and advanced methods of transmitter hunting using nothing more than a simple 2m handheld radio as well as specialized receivers and directional antennas.
Bring your equipment, be that just your hand held radio or something fancier and give it a shot.

FLARC General Meeting Minutes Tuesday April 19, 2022 via Zoom

Program-    April 19, 2022 Meeting   Rich KG0XO Operating HF From a Small Lot in the Noisy (and Sometimes Crabby) Suburbs.  

Business Meeting:

Called to order  by: Thomas AC9BJ

Meeting Minutes   recorded by :Carolyn NQ9A

March 15 2022   minutes read by: Carolyn NQ9A-  

VE sessions Paulette WB9VHF –VE sessions April 2 -   3 candidates -   it went successfully.  3 new Technicians

Classes: Paulette WB9VHF  is organizing a Technician class at UW Space place – date to be announced

Guests :  1)Markus Schumann KD9UWG. 2)Connie Muskavitch  KA9YYP

Bragging :

Paulette WB9VHF  Ozark Con Branson , MO – built an electronic. key , won a radio -  .  Xiegu G90

Thomas AB1YW   Parks on the Air support your parks. Event    Spring event  4 activations in 3 parks-  

Announcements :

Public Service Events::  Horribly Hilly Hundred –ride looking for ham radio operators  for communications-   Tom W9TDP June 18 bike event all VHF

Thomas AC9BJ :Upcoming hamfests:
Ozaukee Radio Club Spring Swapfest -Cedarburg. 4-30-2022
Arrowhead RAC Hamfest Superior -5- 7 -2022

Lyons  Freefest  6-11-2022
Sunshine Swapfest  Kaukauna 6-18-2022
South Milwaukee ARC Hamfest Oak Creek 7-9-2022

Circus city Swapfest Baraboo  8-27-2022
Chippewa Valley 08/28/2022 – 


Upcoming Conventions:

Central States convention  -vhf convention lacrosse  July 22-23h Radisson central states VHF - La Crosse , Wi

Upcoming Contests:

Spring sprintsi-VHF-


    1. 144 MHz Monday April 11, 2022 0700 - 1100 PM Local
    2. 222 MHz Tuesday April 19, 2022 0700 – 1100 PM Local
    3. 432 MHz Wednesday April 27, 2022 0700 – 1100 PM Local
    4. Microwave Saturday May 7, 2022 0800 AM – 0200 PM Local
    5. 50 MHz Saturday May 14, 2022 2300z through Sunday May 15, 2022 0300z

Madison Area Hams Discord Server -. If you need an invite you can e-mail Marc. N9WIB. 

Upcoming Programs Scheduled for 2022 :

May 17, 2022 Meeting Bruce Richardson W9FZ/R "Getting Started in VHF Roving"

June  21, 2022 Meeting –Meet at Badger Praiirie-show and tell

 July 19 2022 Meeting –Operating Portable radio – featuring 4 amateur radio operators