Imagine the concept of a lump of matter which, on command, transforms itself into a complete ham rig, including antenna. Here is a documented, long article about Programmable Matter. And here is a casual video about the same subject.
Just what we need, Eh? Well, maybe.
This is not the usual daily, commercial, mailing list that badgers hams with long, thinly disguised, advertising emails.
This one's daily messages are very short, yet often are stimulating. Each one can be read and deleted in 30 seconds or less. Here's the signup screen. No strings attached
Welcome to the wonderful world of antenna launchers...airguns, slingshots, tennis balls, whatever,
May 2016, General Membership Meeting
Called to order at 19:30 by Frederick W9GOC.
A multimode radio/cell phone
Raspberry Pi upgrade?
A DIY tuning capacitor
This may pique your curiosity:
Click here.
NOTE: The Grammar and Spelling Police have already been notified.
Ecuador Emergency freq.
Radio Amateurs Asked to Keep 7.060 MHz Clear for Ecuador Earthquake Emergency Traffic.
More information here.
April 2016, General Membership Meeting
Called to order at 19:32 by Frederick W9GOC
...continue reading "April 2016, General Membership Meeting"
A quick intro to some free ham programs
Here is a YouTube site which might save the time spent searching for free ham software. The author presents several icons in a Windows screen, then opens the icons - one at a time - and comments on the icon's program.