Some letter combinations for Morse Code Practice:
Spiral dipole for small spaces?
All kits have been tested and the forty-9er portions reorganized for ease of assembly. Project Leader Matt now has the kits again, except for one: that kit's owner is soldering it together to check for assembly issues. This will not delay kit distribution.
We now have a reliable parts list for the modified Forty-9er part of the kit, based upon both the information contained in its schematic, and the prescribed modifications thereof . Lack of this list had been a major barrier to prospective volunteers for final inspection and testing .
The first kit is now tested and re-assembled. When six kits are ready, they will go back to Project Leader Matt. The seventh is being soldered together in order to discover any assembly issues.
The parts have been assembled into kits,
The parts in each kit are now being re-inventoried and tested
If you've hit a barrier in your Morse Code progress, The Art and Skill of Radio Telegraphy might be useful. Based upon the Koch and Farnsworth approaches to Morse learning, it launches into a comprehensive discussion of further learning aids, tips, and tricks.
Imagine the concept of a lump of matter which, on command, transforms itself into a complete ham rig, including antenna. Here is a documented, long article about Programmable Matter. And here is a casual video about the same subject.
This is not the usual daily, commercial, mailing list that badgers hams with long, thinly disguised, advertising emails.
This one's daily messages are very short, yet often are stimulating. Each one can be read and deleted in 30 seconds or less. Here's the signup screen. No strings attached
Welcome to the wonderful world of antenna launchers...airguns, slingshots, tennis balls, whatever,